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Steve and Bucky looked at the blueprints for a small log cabin, similar to Pepper and Tony's. Sam stood further away holding a hammer and staring at a wood log cluelessly. Steve looked at Wanda who was using her magic to carry wood over to the men "Are you sure this is where you want to cabin?" He asked her.

Wanda nodded "Yes."

"It's a bit far away from well....everything," Steve replied.

"Yeah and that's good for me."

The three men and Wanda started working on the cabin- Steve was breaking the wood pieces, Wanda was using her magic to carry the wood over to Bucky and Sam who were starting to assemble the walls of the cabin.

Slowly but surely the cabin started to come together. It was like building a life sized lego house with the complicated instructions and all. Sometime ago Nat had arrived and managed to boss Sam and Bucky into working quicker.

Steve had finished chopping up the wood and was now able to start assembling large stones for the fireplace.

When the sun had started to set on the horizon causing the landscape to go a beautiful auburn orange, everyone decided to stop for the day and rest. The cabins four walls had been built as well as the beginnings of a fire place.

The group of Ex Heroes sat around in flimsy beach chairs chatting and getting to hear one another's stories.

"Scotland is beautiful, I loved the countryside and all the old castles, thank you very much for letting me stay in your flat Wanda," Steve said.

"Yeah it's no problem, it's not like I'm going to be using it anytime soon," She exclaimed.


They had all been chatting for a while and the sun had set long ago so the moon could make its appearance. Wanda and Steve were the only two awake- everyone else was sleeping aboard the Quinjet.

There was a peaceful silence between the two as they watched the stars dance in the sky above. The only sound to be heard was the occasional lapping of the water in the lake a few meters away from the cabin.    

Steve kept on glancing at Wanda every so often like he wanted to ask her something but couldn't.

Wanda sensed his eyes glaring into the side of her head and she eventually spoke up "What is it Steve? You have been dying to ask me something ever since Nat went to bed."

Steve- who thought he was being sneaky was taken by surprise by the sudden chatter from the girl "I suppose I just wanted to ask you how you were doing? I haven't really got the chance to talk to you one on one,".

Wanda looked at him "I'm doing good yeah, I think being out here is doing me good. It's occupying me from thinking about her too much,"

Steve nodded "That's good, I'm glad you're not too hung up over her,"

Wanda smiled "She would have loved it out here, being in the middle of nowhere. I don't think she ever went to Sokovia,"

"She did, when you were blipped she went out to Sokovia for a few weeks. I guess she wanted to see where you were from," Steve answered.

Wanda didn't say anything but her face lit up. The thought of Aurora visiting where she was from made her feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"You still love her don't you?" Steve asked the girl.

"Yeah, I don't think I will ever stop."

"I've known Aurora for years, she was a very cold person who didn't show emotion that much and never opened up to anyone. That all changed when she met you- Wanda you made her a better person, You helped her in so many ways and I know for a fact she loved you very much. You were her rock, her whole world. She sacrificed herself for you because that's how much she loved you," Steve told her, he could see Wanda's facial expressions soften.

"Those five years without you Wanda, was the hardest thing for her, she stopped functioning without you. Although she hid it very well each day she mourned you day and night, wishing you would come back. The minute she saw you on that battle field she had her spark back. The dull of her eyes disappeared and was replaced by the familiar sparkle that is there when she is with you. Wanda, her biggest regret was losing you and I wish you guys had longer. It's like they say- right person, wrong time."

Wanda was sobbing, her tears were uncontrollably falling down her face and she couldn't stop them. All the grief that had been bottled up for the last few weeks had finally been let free. Wanda at last felt relaxed- like she could finally start to feel better. Knowing those things about Aurora started to slowly heal the gaping hole left in her heart.

Because she knew that somewhere between hello and goodbye there was love.

And that was all she needed.


How are we liking the new book? I think i'm going to have the pace of this book be faster than the first.

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