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"Okay ready?" Wanda had her hands covering Aurora's eyes. They were both stood inside the hut in Wakanda, it was Auroras first time here and Wanda wanted to show her what she had done to the place.

"Mhmm," Aurora said excitedly "Just show me already!"

"Okay okay!" Wanda slowly pulled her hands away from her eyes and let Aurora look around.

"Well, what do you think?" She asked shyly.

"It's gorgeous Wanda, I love it," Aurora said generously "It's amazing."

"I had to make your bedroom smaller to fit one in for me but everything else is the same," Wanda told her "And there is a small farm outside to grow our own food and keep some goats and sheep. Also if you look out of the window at the back, there is a herd of rhinos that are used in the kings army that we are part of feeding and looking after."

"Like volunteers?" Aurora asked.

"Yeah basically- we will help out a couple of days a week."

"Cool! I've always loved rhinos."

"I know Rory, you used to donate to a save the rhinos charity." Wanda said.

Aurora continued looking around the hut and the bedroom letting Wanda start unpacking their belongings. After a while they had both unpacked and decided to go for a walk around the nearby land.

They both choose to pay the rhinos a visit and meet the guards and animal keepers. They spent the afternoon getting used to the rhinos and their routines as well as the enclosure. They then helped feed the baby rhinos and name a couple of them as well.

Long after the sun went down they both arrived back home.

"The rhinos are amazing! I honestly can't wait to help out there soon!" Aurora beamed happily.

"Yeah I know right! Who was your favorite rhino?" Wanda asked.

"Oh Kimmie by far, she was such a sweetheart- the way she nudges you when she wants attention is adorable," Aurora said lovingly "I would die for her."

"Really? I loved little Rufus he was adorable, watching him run after Ora was hilarious." Wanda spoke back.

"Yeah him tumbling over was quite funny," Aurora agreed.

"We haven't met up with Shuri and T'Challa yet, how come?" Wanda asked Aurora.

"I don't know actually, we will need to organize a dinner with them, at our place obviously because your cooking is a lot better then their chefs." Aurora said back.

"You think so?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah but don't tell them that," Aurora joked.


Over the next week Aurora and Wanda settled into their new life in Wakanda, On Mondays, Thursday's and Saturdays they helped look after the rhinos with Ora and Ensar, leaving Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays to work on the farm, leaving Sundays to spend the day to themselves and relax or catch up with Shuri and T'Challa who were both very busy with rebuilding stronger defenses after Thanos and working with the armies.

They had started their small farm where they grew carrots, potatoes, cabbages and tomatoes as well as getting dairy products from the goats and wool from the sheep. They bought the meats from the market as well as stuff the couldn't grow.

Aurora and Wanda both wandered through the towns market, looking at all of the stalls. Ora was coming over tonight for dinner so they could plan a new exercise rotary for the new rhinos.

"I was thinking of making steak tonight because Bucky suggested a really good butcher who's a wee bit out of town but is apparently worth it," Wanda suggested.

"Yeah sounds good, are you okay if I stay here though because if he's out of town then it might take you a while to get the steak so I could start on making the table and cook the vegetables?" Aurora offered "It'll just take some stress away from you and it will make me feel helpful."

"Yeah that would be great," Wanda thanked as they both continued walking through the market until they reached a small stall that sold gifts. Wanda stopped and picked up a small, fake ivy rhino. "Should we buy this for Morgan, she really wanted to go with us to Wakanda and it's her birthday soon."

Aurora turned around and looked at the small gift "Yeah she would love it, How much?"

The shop assistant looked at the pair and wrapped the small gift carefully "Free, it's on me by the sound of it this little girl deserves it and it's my gift to her."

"Wow really thank you sir that is really nice of you," Wanda said gratefully.

"No problem ma'am."

The two women walked away back to the hut where Wanda said goodbye to Aurora and left for the butchers while Aurora started chopping their home grown vegetables.

She started chopping the carrots and left them to cook while she boiled the green beans and cut up and mashed the potatoes.

She then started making a plant based gravy which would be healthier and then they could give left over to the newborn rhinos as supplements.

Not long after she finished the gravy Wanda reappeared with a juicy steak.

"I'm back, let me prepare this meat because Ora will be here soon." Wanda ordered.

"Yes ma'am, I've prepared the vegetables and the gravy- plant based," Aurora told her.

"Hello?" A voice came from outdoors "I hope I'm not too early but I brought wine."

"Oh Ora! Come in, your timing is perfect!" Aurora said.

Ora wondered into the hut and gave Aurora a hug "Thank you for inviting me tonight."

"Oh you are more than welcome!" Wanda smiled "Grubs up!" She added and brought out three plates of delicious food.

"So I was thinking that a good exercise plan for the new rhinos could be that we take them out onto a smaller fenced off pasture so they don't feel trapped in their pens and we have spare armor on so they get used to the feel of it before they have to start getting used to a rider so it's not too overwhelming for them.  That way they are comfortable and don't feel pressured." Wanda explained.

"Yeah that's a great idea and it does make sense actually, then it means we can get them fitted to their own armor quicker!" Ora said.

"We could also take them out a few days a week to join in for a bit with the other rhinos who are already in the army so they also get used to that and start getting trained already," Aurora added on.

"Yes I love it!" Ora exclaimed "You too really are my best team members."

After a while Ora left to go back home leaving the two alone again. Aurora tidied away letting Wanda have an early night.


Another sort of filler chapter as I'm sort of working out the plot as I go along but I have got a few ideas for my next chapter!


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