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A month.

A long month.

That's all it had been since Aurora had woken up, weeks of telling her memories and avoiding who Wanda actually was. They had decided against telling Aurora about her past relationship because that is a hard enough thing to grasp. Every waking day Wanda dreaded getting up and going through yet again another photo box full of awful and useless pictures.

Today the rest of the team were going to reintroduce themselves to Aurora. Aurora remembered Steve, Clint and Bruce faintly from New York and she remembered hearing stories about Bucky the Soldier from family but not the White Wolf. Sam, Peter and everyone else were new.

"Pancakes?" A voice brought Wanda back from her thoughts.

"Hmm?" Wanda said.

"Do you want some pancakes?" Aurora asked.

"Oh...yes please," Wanda smiled.

Aurora put a small pile of pancakes on Wanda's plate and sat down opposite her and put some on her own plate. They both sat in silence eating their pancakes until Aurora spoke up.

"So I've been trying to figure out when everyone got here- to like join the team. So I was wondering if you could like fill me in when you joined?" Aurora asked her.

"Okay yeah. I joined the team in 2015 when we had that battle with the robot."


Wanda nodded "Yeah, Ultron. Me and my brother joined the team and helped them fight him."

"You have a brother? Am I going to meet him today with the rest of the team?" Aurora questioned.

"I.... erm no... he's..he died, Pietro died saving them." Wanda explained.

"Oh I'm sorry Wanda, that must be really hard to loose someone you love, I felt that when I lost my mum." Aurora comforted her.

"Yeah I think about you a lot, sorry, sorry I meant him..not you." Wanda blurted out embarrassingly.

Aurora gave her a strange look and went back to her pancakes.


The Avengers spent most of that day filling Aurora in on all the adventures and memories.

Wanda mainly stood at the back with Pepper while everyone else was huddled around the centre of the room.

"What's wrong with you today sweetie?" Pepper asked.

"Something happened at breakfast this morning. I was taking with Rory and I accidentally slipped up." Wanda explained.

"What do you mean slipped up?" Pepper asked her.

"I was telling her about Pietro and she said her condolences and I said how much I missed her instead of Pietro- by mistake and I think she heard. I then over heard her talking to Nat about it and I think she's starting the catch on Pepper, I want to tell her."

"It's not up to me but if you think you should then yes do it, but maybe tell Nat or Tony before you do so they know what's happening, okay?" Pepper suggested.

Wanda nodded.

"Come on let's go join them." Pepper said and pulled Wanda over to the group.

They both walked over to the others and Aurora turned around to look at them "Wanda you didn't tell me you used to be an emo, I would have loved to see that you would have looked so hot." Aurora flirted obliviously.

Wanda looked down avoiding eye contact with her and cleared her throat "Yeah sometimes I wish that I never left that phase and still had my boots,".

"You will need to tell me more i'm intrigued," Aurora said back to her with a flirty tone.

"Oh for fucks sake here goes nothing," Wanda said "Look Aurora nobody has told you the truth about me..about us okay. So I'm going to set the record straight because I can't pretend anymore."

"Wanda.." Tony warned.

"NO! She needs to know. Aurora, shit okay so basically me and you were dating. We were dating before all this - before you went and got yourself killed, before you lost your memory and I thought I could keep it to myself and cope with it, but I can't not with you flirting with me and not with you not knowing."

Aurora looked at Wanda then at Tony.

"That's who you are, I don't really know what to say." Aurora said.

"Okay good chat, well Im going to go and pack my bags and go home." Wanda said "I'll get a flight back tomorrow." Wanda slowly went upstairs to pack her bags "See everyone and Christmas."

"Should I go after her or something?" Aurora asked Nat who shook her head "No she just needs some time to herself."

"Right who wants pizza?" Steve asked the group, trying to break the thick tension that you could probably cut with a pizza slice.

"PIZZA!" Morgan shouted happily and Jarvis added on a few happy gurgles.

"Pizza it is then," Tony said "But only a small one for Morgan."

While everyone ordered their pizzas Nat went upstairs to check on Wanda.

"If you are going to try and talk me out of it, don't I made my mind and It's not going to change." Wanda said, her voice thick with tears.

"Then you shouldn't have to worry, I looked at plane times and there's a plane leaving for Sokovia in a couple of hours and I booked you a seat on the plane, I'm also driving you to the airport because it will be quicker than a taxi." Nat explained to her and picked up Wanda's bag.

Nat started walking towards the bedroom door "What are you waiting for let's go!"

Wanda picked up her shoes and jogged after her. They both slipped out of the house unnoticed and quietly pulled out of the driveway the same time the pizza man arrived.

"Let's get you home," Nat said and gave Wanda a warm hug.


this book will probs be quicker paced because i don't want to bore u guys.

also probs no update for a bit as my birthdays on wednesday so yeah :)

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