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*4 months later*

Wanda had been back in Wakanda for a week now. Her and Aurora had worked past any awkwardness and Aurora had been forgiven. Nat had stayed long enough to see Wanda's birthday- they had gone out for a meal at the palace with Shuri and T'Challa before going out clubbing with Ora and Ensar.

Nat had left half way through the clubbing when she received a call from Yelena about stray Widows she had found in Eastern Europe. She had left with a heavy hangover setting in. Ora and Ensar had left Aurora and Wanda's hut in the earlier morning before the two passed out.

Wanda woke up first out of the two, she sleepily stepped out of her room into the main area of the hut where she wandered over to the kitchen. Quietly- so not to wake Aurora, she made the two of them a cup of coffee and pancakes. The smell of fresh, warm food wafted through the hut and it wasn't long before Aurora stirred.

"Morning." She muttered lazily before she flopped down onto the couch.

"Morning," Wanda said back and passed her a glass of water and two small tablets "Take them both it will help with the headache.

"Mmhm," Aurora murmured in thanks and took the water and tablets.

Wanda went back to serving the pancakes up for them both. She brought a plate and coffee over for Aurora and went back to get some for herself. They both sat on the sofa while they ate there breakfast.

"So did you enjoy last night or was it a bit much?" Aurora asked with a mouthful of food.

Wanda nodded "No, it was great I really enjoyed it thank you."

Aurora smiled happily to herself,  "So what age are you now, 43?" She joked.

Wanda scoffed "24 actually missy, which puts me at a year younger than you."

"Ah yes sorry, it's the memory thing- everyone seems older than they actually are," Aurora continued to joke on, laughing lightly.

Wanda gave Aurora a shove "Rude!"

Over the next couple of days Aurora and Wanda got back into their daily routines, Wanda making the breakfast and Dinners while Aurora did the shopping for food and household chores. Wanda didn't really go up to the Rhinos as much as Aurora, instead she spent her time at the palace with Shuri.

In their spare time they would either watch movies together or go for walks around the country. They both rarely used their powers- they had thought it best to leave that life behind. Aurora still occasionally brought people home but gave Wanda a warning so she could steer out the way- usually at Ora's or The Palace.

Today Tony, Pepper and their two kids were flying out for the weekend in Wakanda, Tony had a business deal and they thought it would be a good excuse to come out and visit the pair.

They had flown out early morning and had just arrived at the hut.

"AUNTIES!" Morgan yelled as she ran into the cabin, dropping her small pink rucksack on the floor.

Aurora turned around and kneeled down, putting her arms out "BUG!" She shouted back as Morgan jumped into her arms "How are you?"

"I'm great Auntie, daddy let us ride in the Private Jet here!" Morgan told her.

"Wow! Was it fast?" Aurora asked.


Shortly after, Tony, Pepper and their youngest son Jarvis wondered in. Wanda came into the main room to greet them all.

"Hey guys, how was the trip?" Wanda asked.

Pepper put down Jarvis on the sofa "It was okay, Jarvis and Tony slept the entire way so I got some peace and quit."

Aurora put Morgan down and went over to give her brother and Pepper a hug. Wanda bent down and picked up Jarvis "And how is this little man," She cooed.  Jarvis only made inconsistent blabbers in response. 

"Mr Jarvis is 1 and a half going on annoying seven year old," Pepper joked " We don't ever get a break,"

"Aww I'm sure we could take him sometimes, both of them." Aurora offered "We are always looking for something to do."

"We might just take you up on that offer." Tony said.


Ok, I'm back Lmao. Next chapter will be a bit better hopefully. 👍👍

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