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The plane ride back to New York felt like it was going on forever. Wanda impatiently sat looking out of the window, every few minutes she would stare at her watch and stare the small hands racing round.

There was two hours left until they landed at the airport in New York. As soon as Wanda had saw those missed calls she immediately hopped on the next plane back to America. What wasn't helping was the fact that the person next to her was fast asleep on her shoulder drooling away.

The Plane was hot, stuffy and full of noise- noise that was making her head explode. Once again she looked out of the window at the same grey clouds that were there before. The colour of the clouds suggested it was raining.


To top this all off it was raining and Wanda was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

"Excuse me, how long until we land?" She asked one of the hostesses impatiently.

A tall, blonde woman walked over to her seat "Not long now Miss, thirty minutes at most."

Wanda nodded and huffed before looking back out of the window again.

The plane landed and Wanda was the first person off. She had battled her way past a family with two young children and an elderly couple. The minute her feet touched tarmac she phoned for a driver to pick her up in twenty minutes which would give her enough time to grab her backs and make her way through security.

Wanda flew along the corridors of the airport towards baggage claim and succeeded in bribing the airport staff to just give Wanda her bags so she didn't have to wait for everyone else.

She then quickly made her way to security and flashed her passport at the sour-faced officer in the booth before chucking her bags through the X-Ray.

Wanda didn't even wait to put her shoes on before she sprinted towards the entrance of the airport- she could put them on in the car.

As the driver pulled up she flung open the door and scrambled in "GO!" Wanda barked at the driver who then pulled away at lightning speed.


After a long drive from the airport even with the driver going over the speed limit by 30 mph, Wanda arrived at Tony's house. 

Wanda slowly crawled out of the car and looked at the driveway of the house, she noticed that Nat's car was also here which was strange as she lived on the other side of the city and didn't often come to visit them as she had other things going on.

The driver handed Wanda her bags and she thanked him for his service before setting off for the front door of the lodge.

Inside the house Tony, Nat and Pepper all sat around the kitchen table in silence waiting for Wanda to arrive. Upstairs Aurora was in the shower washing off year old muck and sweat. Morgan and Jarvis were both in the playroom with their toys.

Wanda walked into the house and shouted hello. Tony then jumped up from the table and wandered over to her to welcome Wanda and help with the bags.

"Hi Everyone. I got here as fast as I could I had to bribe the driver to go over the limit," Wanda told everyone "I don't think he was too happy about that."

The three of them smiled weakly at what Wanda had said, none of them dared to speak out not wanting to let slip about what happened.

Wanda joined them at the table "So what was it? I gather it was important it's not everyday Hayward phones you three times in a row?" She asked "Am I allowed to bury her? Is he finally letting me give her what she deserves?"

Tony went to talk but as he opened his mouth to speak Aurora appeared around the corner whilst trying her hair with a towel "I thought I heard someone at the door Tony, what did they want?"

Wanda looked up at the girl, her face as white as a sheet and her eyes bulging out of her head, her jaw almost dropped to the floor. She tried to utter a sentence but all that came out was mangled sounds.

Nat coughed awkwardly and looked around at the adults in the room. Tony looked over at Aurora and Pepper looked to the floor trying to avoid contact with anyone.

"Tony is this the Wanda person that man mentioned before?" Aurora asked her brother.

Wanda's frozen expression softened and large, salty tears started to pool in her eyes "Tony, what is she on about?"

"You might want to stay seated for this Wanda," Nat chimed in "It's not great news."


Wanda stood in front of Tony who was sitting on the couch.

"It's just that Wanda, she has forgotten, she doesn't remember the last ten years. She doesn't remember anything, not Thanos, not Sam or Bucky, not T'Challa or Shuri, and not you," Tony repeated again.


"Because we have known her all her life not just the last ten years Wanda," Tony reminded her "I'm really sorry but this one can't be fixed and we just have to be there for her. It's not everyday you loose your memory and have no clue was has happened, imagine how she feels-"

"HOW SHE FEELS? WHAT ABOUT ME? WHAT ABOUT HOW I FEEL TONY?" Wanda interrupted him "THINK ABOUT THAT! I THOUGHT I HAD LOST HER BUT NO SHES LOST ME!" Wanda turned around and stormed out of the house.

Tony stood up and chased after her "Wanda where are you going?" He asked.

"For a walk. I can't be here when she gets back."

Nat, Pepper, Aurora and the kids had gone out to the shops to buy Aurora new clothes and belongings leaving Tony to deal with Wanda.

Tony sighed and sat down on the porch. This was not how he wanted things to go, he had wanted to ease Wanda in gently rather than dropping it on her like a bomb and he certainly hadn't wanted Aurora to interrupt the whole thing to make it worse.

He couldn't imagine what Wanda was going through - thinking that the person you love is dead just for them to actually be alive and well, but not remember your existence at all must be extremely hard on her and confusing.

In a sad way he almost wished that Aurora hadn't woken up at all.

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