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Aurora excitedly creeped through to Wanda's room where she was sleeping. It was the middle of the night and she had woken up from a dream and needed to tell Wanda immediately. Aurora walked through the colorful curtain that was used for a door and entered the small room. She creeped over to the bed and gently shook the sleeping woman "Wanda, Wanda psst wake up."

"Mhhmm," Wanda rolled over in the bed slowly, to face Aurora "What are you doing? What time is it?" She asked sleepily.

"I remembered something... I think." Aurora told her.

Wanda shot straight up in bed "REALLY?" Her usual, quiet voice went squeaky and high pitched.

"Calm down, it's not too major it's only a little thing," Aurora smiled.

Wanda patted the space in the bed next to her motioning for Aurora to sit down "Let's hear it."

"Okay so I was dreaming, but it obviously wasn't a dream because it was a memory- too real to be a dream. Anyway," Aurora paused and looked at Wanda in the eyes "I was sitting outside a house in a camper van and watching these people come and go each day."

Wanda watched the girl speak, the excitement glistening in her eyes and her cheeks twitching with every word she said.

"I should stop blabbing but I remember my parents Wands, isn't that amazing?!" Aurora said.

"Yeah it is Rory! I'm so happy for you that is amazing!" Wanda gave her a tight hug.

"But I have to get back to bed, we have the rhinos tomorrow," Wanda said.

"No you have the rhinos tomorrow, I'm going out to celebrate with Shuri, I'll ask Ensar to cover my shift."
Aurora said and got up to leave the room "Night, night pretty,"

"Aurora," Wanda warned "What did we say?"

"I'm celebrating, I get to flirt," Aurora shouted to Wanda as she left the room, letting her go back to sleep.

In the morning Wanda got up and made herself a coffee before leaving for the rhinos. She had left Aurora sleeping after she had worked out the girl had stayed up much later than her thanks to the mini bottle of champagne left laying.

"Good morning, Wanda, where's Aurora?" Ora asked as she fed a baby rhino from a bottle.

"She's not feeling great so she asked Ensar to cover for her." Wanda explained "Anyway who's this little one?"

"This is Abada, she was born last night but mom rejected her so we are looking after her till we find a new mom," Ensar explained as he walked over "I've been here for a while already, Aurora phoned me a couple of hours ago."

"Of course she did," Wanda said "Could I feed her?"

"Of course go ahead! My arms getting sore anyway."

Wanda gently took the baby and the bottle of Ora and let Abada go back to feeding.

"So the plan of action today is the kids from the school are coming down later to feed some of the baby rhinos and take them for a small walk around the paddock. Then after that we are bringing Kimmie, Rufus and the others out to get their armor fitted." Ora informed them.

For the rest of the day Wanda helped all she could at the safari. Her and Ensar were both feeding the rhinos their last dried grass and hay for the night "I was wondering if it's okay if I take off just now, I need to grab dinner for Aurora?" Wanda asked him.

Ensar nodded "Yeah thats fine, there's not much more to do now."

"Thank you." Wanda exclaimed and walked towards the main centre.


Two hours later Wanda made her way back to the hut. She had gone out and bought both her and Aurora dinner as a special treat and wanted to surprise her with it.

She quietly pulled up to the hut and slowly entered the cabin. Wanda could hear voices - Aurora and another females, in the main room on the other side of the parting wall and assumed Shuri must have came over.

She took her shoes off at the entrance and hung her safari jacket up by the door. Wanda then wandered along the with the food in her hand and turned around to her right.

"OH MY GOD!" Wanda shouted and dropped the food before turning around.

Aurora looked up from where she was laying on the sofa and quickly wrapped herself in a blanket "JESUS WANDA, YOU COULD HAVE GIVEN ME SOME WARNING!"

"ME WARNING? WHAT ABOUT YOU!" Wanda shouted back, still with her body turned around.

The other female had grabbed her t-shirt and put it back on in a rush "I think I should probably go," the person said.

Aurora nodded "Yeah, I'll see you later?"

The person ran past Wanda and out the door.

Wanda turned back around to face Aurora "You never thought to leave a note or something- don't come in I'm getting laid?" Wanda snarled.

"Sorry, I didn't think-"

"Too right you didn't think, you were too busy in someone pants," Wanda interrupted Aurora.

"Sorry, I didn't mean for you to find out I thought we would be done by now." Aurora apologized to her whilst putting her clothes back on.

"Look it doesn't matter now, what's done is done," Wanda said "I bought us dinner but I've lost my appetite so it's all for you now, maybe invite Shuri over or something I'm going to stay at Ensars."

Wanda left the hut at a quick pace towards the main city of Wakanda, leaving Aurora alone in the hut.

Aurora sat on the couch looking at the wall before sending a message to Nat.

A: How quick can you get here ?

She put her phone down and went to pick up the bag of food as her phone went off from the couch. Aurora quickly walked back over and picked up her phone.

N: What's happened? :)

A: Wanda accidentally walked in on me sleeping with someone :|

N: Oh god Rory, how did that happen ? :(

A: I didn't realize she would be home earlier and now she's gone out to stay with a friend

A: I think I scared her

N: Right okay give me a couple of hrs I'll be out there as quick as I can :)

N: Don't do anything stupid :)

Aurora sighed and put her phone down before putting the food out on the table for her to eat.


sorry this took so long lmao, I did forget about this book 😎

Anyway how are we liking our two new characters? Ensar and Ora !

I found a cool website that has a list of famous rhino names so I used a few from there.

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