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Wanda slumped her bag onto the wooden floor and turned around to face the woman behind her "Welcome to Casa de Wanda!" She joked. Aurora looked at her and smiled "It's nice, very homey." Aurora joined Wanda in putting her bags down on the floor.

"Well there is only one bedroom soo.." Wanda trailed off sheepishly.

"Ahh it's okay I'll take the couch," Aurora offered kindly "No big deal."

Wanda smiled gratefully "Okay well that's sorted but there's one more thing, I'll need to go into the nearest town to get food so I will be a couple of hours- your welcome to come if you want?" She informed Aurora.

"Em I think I'll stay here and clean so it's nice for this evening," Aurora said "Plus Ill only slow you down."

Wanda walked over and gave her a hug "Okay I will see you later."

With that Wanda left the cabin leaving Aurora alone who immediately sat down on the dusty sofa, causing dust to go flying into the air. She was tired, they had been travelling most of the day as they had gone to New York with Tony a couple of days before, then travelling out to Sokovia.

Yawning, she stood up and walked over to the kitchen to grab a duster and start work on cleaning the cabin.

Aurora started on the living room, sweeping the fireplace and coffee table, then moving to the window and curtains.

Wanda continued walking towards the village. If she could fly it would be so much easier. She watched the small town become closer and closer in view as she got nearer and nearer. All she needed was a few bags of vegetables, a carton of milk and chocolate. Auroras favourite.

Oh god. She was falling for that girl- and quicker than ever. What on earth was she going to do.

She wandered through the stalls of the market- taking her time looking at each of the displays one after the other until she reached a small grocer selling all the vegetables she needed. She grabbed a bunch of everything and paid, leaving a large tip as a thank you before heading onwards to the next stall.

Before she knew it Wanda had everything on her list and was heading back to the cabin and Aurora. Just in time for dinner to be made.

As the cabin came back into sight the sun was just starting to set over the mountains behind her which casted an orange glow over the lake and forest.


Wanda and Aurora served up dinner and both sat down to enjoy it in silence. Wanda occasionally stealing glances at Aurora from across the table. While Wanda wasn't looking Aurora was also stealing glances at Wanda, taking in her glistening eyes and pink, plump lips.

They both finished off pretty quickly and Aurora offered to wash the dishes- letting Wanda relax.

She stepped outside of the cabin to watch the stars shine against the night sky. From outside she could hear Aurora tottering about the place- putting dishes away and cleaning the table. It made her smile to herself, she was glad to have the company out in the woods as it got lonely quite quickly.

Inside the cabin Aurora stopped what she was doing to watch Wanda through the window, she was falling for the girl and she was falling quickly. It was no more just playful flirting every now and again but instead pining after her- trying to catch her attention.

What would Nat say?
Possibly that it wasn't fair.. she would be right. Wanda had been through so much with her 'dying 'and everything.

On the other hand though- she did tell Wanda they were perfect for each other. So maybe she should go for it.

Aurora continued on putting away the dishes. As she got to the last plate a piercing pain split through her head causing her to cry out in pain, dropping the plate she grasped onto the side of her head and the other onto the counter trying to steady herself.

The sound of Wanda rushing indoors was faint and distant as she winced harshly in pain. She could barely hear Wanda's words of worrying and reassurance as she crippled to the floor in a ball desperately trying to get the pain to stop.

That was it. As soon as the pain came it went away.

Aurora pulled Wanda's arms off her and confidently stood up.

"What was that?" Wanda looked at her with widened eyes "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It's probably just a migraine or something," Aurora shrugged off, her face was red with embarrassment that she tried to hide from Wanda. "That's not a migraine Aurora, are you sure your okay?" Wanda asked again.

"Yeah, honestly I'm probably just tired." Aurora avoided and headed straight for the couch leaving Wanda standing alone.

Aurora sat and watched Wanda leave for the bathroom and she screamed silently into a pillow.

Now Wanda knew about the pains she was having. She had managed to hide the first few from her over a matter of weeks but now they pain was getting stronger and harder to hide. Aurora was sure there were more to come but she didn't want to worry Wanda.

She would be fine.. right?

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