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Christmas was a time of joy and miracles. Four months ago Aurora had woken up from her sleep of death and that was the best miracle any of the Avengers could have asked for.

So as the Christmas holidays rolled around the corner so did all the Avengers to Tony's house. Wanda's flight got in roughly the same time as Nat's so they were both getting picked up from the airport together by Steve.

Aurora, Bucky and Sam were making their way to the cabin from the compound where they had set up camp helping train the new agents and shortening Bucky's list of apologies, one by one.

Wanda and Aurora both sat on the front decking of the house over looking the lake. Over the time they had both spent apart Wanda had decided to forgive Aurora for the things she hadn't done but had ticked off the girl. They had both exchanged numbers once Aurora got a phone and occasionally texted.

"I visited T'Challa and Shuri in Wakanda a couple of months back and they are really sweet and funny, I wish I remembered them. They told me about the time I lived in Wakanda and I think I would want to live there it seems great." Aurora told Wanda excitedly.

Wanda smiled "That's exactly what old you had said and I think we were going to do just that once everything was over," Wanda said back.

Occasionally Wanda would tell Aurora stories about their relationship from time to time.

"Wow that's quite funny isn't it? Maybe I should move out there get a bit of change of scenery. I think I might be starting to hate New York and living with a young baby."

"I agree, when I lived here shortly with your brother, Jarvis used to keep me up at night all the time, then Morgan used to wake me up every morning after I would finally get to sleep, it was a nightmare." Wanda joked.


Christmas morning had came and gone at the Stark house hold, Steve and Bucky had gone not long after to meet Sharon in Madripoor. Wanda and Aurora had both decided to stay a little longer for New Years before Wanda went back to Sokovia and Aurora went off on her travels around the world- a present she had got from Tony and Pepper (They had booked the plane tickets and hotels for her).

"Here," Wanda said as she walked up next to Aurora and gave her a small envelope "Merry belated Christmas."

Aurora smiled and took the envelope "You do know Christmas was a few days ago right?"

Wanda nodded "It was but I put off giving you this because I didn't know if you would want it."

"Well thank you," Aurora said gratefully and slowly opened the envelope. She reached her fingers in and pulled out a small key chain with a little picture of Wakanda on it.

"Em thank you?" Aurora said with a hint of confusion.

"It's a key chain for a key you don't need- before you died you did buy a house in Wakanda, when I was blipped you had moved in there for a while before Endgame and everything. Then obviously when you died it was given to me but the house doesn't have a key for the door so I thought I would get you a key chain for the imaginary key as something symbolic I guess." Wanda explained "It's probably stupid I could have given you like a 'congratulations on your new house card' but instead I did this."

Aurora had a giant smile on her face "I love it thank you."

"That's great because I thought it was going to be a stupid idea and you would hate it and find it weird then it would just be awkward because you wouldn't like it-" Wanda rambled on.

"Wanda! Wanda I love it really, it's not stupid it's sweet and thoughtful." Aurora interrupted her "And as the new owner of this house I would like you to come and live their with me- of course you don't have to but I would like you to as it would keep me company and you were technically the owner aswell. Now I know I'm not who you want me to be and your not who I want you to be but I would love you to come with me to Wakanda." Aurora asked her.

"Yes I would love to live in Wakanda with you but what about my cabin in Sokovia?" Wanda questioned.

"You could swap between Wakanda and Sokovia?" Aurora offered.

Wanda smiled and gave her a small hug "Deal,".

Both Aurora and Wanda walked into the living room of the Stark house, Tony, Pepper and Nat were all sitting watching the two kids play with their toys on the floor.

"We have some news." Aurora announced to the room. The three adults turned around to look at the pair.

"Spill." Pepper encouraged.

"So Wanda gave me the metaphorical keys to my house in Wakanda and she's going to move out there with me."

"I'll move between Wakanda and Sokovia every few months." Wanda added on "We thought to give you guys your house back."

"Wow okay, when are you going?" Tony asked.

"Probably after I've done my world tour," Aurora answered.

"But I thought I would go out there soon and get everything ready, you know- clean and stuff and set the house up." Wanda said "So it's ready for when you arrive."

Aurora nodded "Yeah that makes sense so we don't need to do that when I get there."

Nat looked at the two girls "Wanda can I talk to you please...in the kitchen....privately." She stood up and started walking towards the kitchen and Wanda followed after her unsure of what was happening.

When they both turned around the corner into the kitchen Nat spoke up "Are you sure this is a good idea Wanda? I mean with Aurora and you?"

"Yes it's fine Nat and I won't be there all year round."

"No Wanda, you have no idea how hard Aurora will be to live with-"

"I'll be fine Nat-"

"NO! Wanda you have no idea how many women Aurora brings back here - spoiler alert it's more than me and you put together,"

"Your with Maria though." Wanda pointed out.

"Not the point, but anyway she's brings a lot of people back," Natasha explained.

"She brings a lot of girls back, Morgan thinks that they are new recruits for the Avengers and I'm fed up trying to explain that they are not recruits for Avengers but friends." Tony chimed in as he walked into the kitchen.

"But if you want to go to Wakanda, your an adult and we can't stop you." Tony said.

Wanda smiled "I'm sure we will be fine."


Ok I'm back! Also sorry this really short it's kinda just a filler chapter before the main story line starts.

Sorry it took so long though- I've been really busy and had no motivation. :)

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