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Wanda fidgeted with the silver ring in her hand, she let her thoughts wonder. All she could think about was Aurora and the ring-her ring and how she was probably never going to get a chance to show off the ring.

It hurt her knowing that she was probably never going to get married to someone, because the only person she would ever want to marry was dead and not coming back. She knew she never wanted to be with another person again because her heart was still stuck on Aurora- her one and only.

Wanda was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a voice at her door.

"Wanda? Get up."

Wanda immediately recognized Natasha's soft voice.

"Wanda, are you up?"

"Yeah I've been awake for a bit." Wanda replied and got up from the bed.

Nat walked in with a cup of coffee "Doing what?"

"Thinking." Wanda answered and put the ring back in the box. Nat gave the girl the cup of coffee "I'll be downstairs training if you are looking for me later."

"Okay." Wanda said and walked into the bathroom.

Wanda sat in the shower letting the hot water bounce of her back, sending droplets of warmth through her body. A month ago Nat gave her the engagement ring and she hasn't worn it once, only two weeks ago she got it out the box for the first time- it had sat in her closet for the first two weeks.

Relationships, what a load of bullshit, there's no happy endings.

"Tony and Pepper are expecting," Nat said watching the Tv in the living room. Wanda came in and sat next to her "Give then my congratulations."

An old American Sitcom played on the flat screen TV and Wanda smiled, she remembered watching this one with Aurora when they first started dating. She had made Aurora sit through two hours of TV so she could watch the whole thing in one sitting.

"It should be finished by the time the baby is due," Nat's voice brought Wanda back to reality.

"What?" Wanda blurted out looking at Nat.

"Tony and Pepper? Their second cabin in England?" Nat said.

Wanda gave Nat a blank look still not understanding what she was saying.

"Their cabin, that they are building.. should be finished by the time their second baby is born?" Nat said with an equally puzzled look.

"OH" Wanda said "Oh yeah that would be good. I'm leaving for a bit I'll be back later."

"Where are you going?" Nat asked.

"To S.W.O.R.D to talk to Hayward." Wanda replied.

"Do you want me to come?"



Wanda and Hayward walked along the crystal white hallways of the S.W.O.R.D building side by side. Two guards walked behind and two in front of the pair. There were scientists running around busily.

"I'm sorry Wanda but we can't give you her body," The Director said.

Wanda frowned "But why? What more tests do you possibly need to do? Why can't I take her home with me and give her what she deserves, please." She begged him.

"I am sorry Wanda but we can't, you know that. We are doing the tests because they are important, because we need to," He replied.

Wanda didn't say anything more as they reached a room and one of the guards opened the door letting them step inside. In the room there was a grey desk with a large swivel office chair behind it. Two black chairs sat in front of the desk. A large computer sat on the desk top taking up most of the room.

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