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Sorry I've not updated in about 7 billion years i've been really busy lmao.

On the brighter side I'm finished with exams (I failed pretty much every single one LMAO)
so now i have a lot more free time to write when i can actually be bothered to.

although i did get into a relationship a week ago ahhhhh which is pretty exciting. 😩


Aurora rolled over in the bed to face Wanda who was sleeping peacefully next to her. They had let Tony and Pepper have Auroras bed and Morgan and Jarvis both had camp beds in the living room. 

Wanda snored gently in her sleep while Aurora continued to watch her. Aurora gently reached her hand out and pushed back the stray hair that covered Wanda's face which caused her to stir.

"Morning," Wanda grumbled, her voice raspy.

"Morning sleepy head, we have about ten minutes more peace until the kids are awake that means you could probably go back to sleep for a bit," Aurora told her.

"Mm there's no point I'm awake now," Wanda said back "How long have you been awake for?" She asked.

Aurora sat up in bed " A bit, I've been watching you sleep."

Wanda laughed and also sat up in the bed "Creepy much,"

"Not really your quite a pretty sleeper." Aurora said back, keeping her eyes on Wanda's.

"Oh yeah?" Wanda teased her too staring at Auroras eyes.

"Not that I watch you often of course." Aurora said, inching closer to Wanda; both their hands grazing against each other.

"Of course not, because that would make you extra creepy," Wanda leaned closer to Aurora as she said it. Aurora could feel Wanda's breathe slightly against her face causing her cheeks to blush.

Wanda's heart rate picked up in her chest, this was the closet she had been to Aurora and it was causing all the warm feelings to surface again.

It was taking all of Aurora's control to not lean in and kiss Wanda right that very second. They were both so close to each other creating a thick tension between the two. The hair on the back of Aurora's next stood up and her stomach was doing flips.

Aurora put her hand on top of Wanda's "And no one likes a creep, do they?" She stared down and Wanda's lips- she bit down on her bottom lip trying to hide a smile.

Aurora couldn't take it anymore and slowly leaned in towards Wanda.

Wanda mirrored her actions and leaned towards Aurora as well.

Suddenly a small person burst through the curtain into the bed room interrupting the two "MORNING AUNTIES!" Morgan shouted and jumped up into the bed. Both women quickly moved away from each other, both faces turning beetroot red.

Wanda scooped her up into a hug "Good morning little one, what do you want to do today?"

As Wanda and Morgan talked Aurora got out of the bed and wandered through to the kitchen and made herself a pot of coffee. Pepper was sitting on the sofa with Jarvis on her lap.

"What's got you looking ever so pink this morning?" Pepper asked.

"What?" Aurora blurted out and she walked over to the sofa with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Your entire face was pink when you walked out of that bedroom, hot in there?" Pepper said.

Aurora was about to answer when Wanda walked out of the bedroom with Morgan "I'll tell you later." She whispered to Pepper before walking over to give Morgan a hug.

Tony wandered into the hut holding a bag of bagels "Breakfast!"


The six of them wandered around Wakanda; Jarvis in the pram and Morgan holding Wanda's hand. Both Aurora and Wanda had been avoiding each other awkwardly for most of the day.

They had spent the day wandering around Wakanda- looking at the markets in the city and visiting Shuri and T'Challa.

They were now back at the cabin and Pepper was making dinner in the kitchen while the rest of them sat on the floor of the living room playing a board game.

"So Morgan how's school?" Aurora asked.

"Good, my teacher is really nice and I have lots of friends already!" Morgan exclaimed. 

"Oh wow! That's really good!" Wanda said.

"She's top of her class, aren't you Maguna." Tony told them.

"Yep, I'm almost as smart as daddy!" Morgan said "That means I'm smarter than you Auntie Rory!" She added.

"Are you now?" Aurora laughed.

"Yeah, daddy said so," Morgan added.

Tony threw his hands up in the air to surrender "I don't know what she's on about."

Wanda laughed "Aurora looks like you have competition."

Aurora put her counter down and got up to help Pepper "It looks like I do."

Aurora climbed into the bed next to Wanda and awkwardly sat on the edge of the mattress. Wanda put down her book and sighed "You know I don't bite you can come closer."

Aurora pulled herself closer to Wanda in the bed "So today was fun wasn't it?"

"Yeah I think Jarvis really liked the rhinos." Wanda said and Aurora hummed in agreement.

"So this morning was interesting." Aurora said.

"Mmm, let's just forget it and carry on," Wanda said.

Aurora nodded and lay down in the bed facing away from Wanda. When she first woke up from the coma she had no idea who this woman was and had no interest in her at all. But when she started to get to know her again Aurora started to like her as a friend. It wasn't until recently she realised she had feelings for her and she knew Wanda felt the same way.

Wanda picked her book back up and sighed; this was difficult for her- on one side she just wanted to turn over and kiss Aurora and the other she wanted to scream and run away. Wanda wasn't going to lie she had loads of feelings for Aurora but she couldn't act on them, it wasn't fair for her.

The butterflies that erupted in her stomach every time Aurora looked at her were overwhelming but she wanted to kick herself when it happened because she was in love with the old Aurora not the new one and Aurora was in love with the new Wanda not the old one.

didn't proof read this lmao couldn't be bothered sorry for any mistakes ❤️

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