My Little Family and its Disater

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Patrick's POV

I woke up to the sound of Ileigha crying so I got up and went into her nursery. She was laying there crying and I picked her up and sang to her softly as she went back to sleep.

I went back into the bedroom and Corey was gone. I then heard her throwing up in the bathroom so I went in to find her throwing her guts up. I quickly ran to her and started rubbing her back.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah just not feeling well."

I pressed my hand against her forehead.

"Oh my god Corey your burning up!"

I picked her up in bridal style and laid her back down in bed.

"Patrick can you go get Ileigha?"

"Yeah I'll be right back." I said kissing her cheek.

"Hey baby." I said picking up Ileigha as she laid her tiny head into my shoulder.

I handed Ileigha so Corey and Corey asked for the bottle so I gave it to her. I sat there and watched my two baby girls together. It was beautiful.

"Patrick can u go get me a new dripped please."


I walked into the nursery and grabbed all that she need to change Ileigha's diaper. I went into the room and gave her the supplies. Even if it was 6:30 in the morning I decided to make coffe. I walked down stairs and saw that there was a complete and utter mess.

"Corey stay upstairs with baby!" I yelled upstairs worried for my family.

She didn't answer. I walked into the kitchen and found Pete laying on the floor with blood on his arms.

"Oh my god Pete!" I yelled.

I tried looking for a sign that he was still alive and think God he was.

"Pete answer me!" I exclaimed.

He didn't answer I so I called 911.

"Hello what is your emergency?"

"Hi yes my friend is laying on my kitchen floor covered in blood!" I yelled to the woman on the phone.

"Okay sir the ambulance will be on the way now."

I hung up and took my shirt off and wrapped around his arm to try and stop the bleeding.

"Patrick can you keep-" Corey said holding Ileigha.

"Corey go up stairs and keep Ileigha with you."

"Oh my god okay!"

Corey's POV

I heard Patrick shouting downstairs so I went down the tell him to be quiet.

"Patrick can you keep-"

My face went blank when I saw Patrick laying there on the floor with Pete covered in blood.

"Corey go up stairs and keep Ileigha with you!"

"Oh my god okay!"

I ran upstairs with Ileigha in my hands panicking. Ileigha started cry and that was just making things worse. For a tiny baby she sure had lungs. I think she gets it from Patrick.

"Shhh baby it's gonna be okay." I tried cooing her to calm her down the I hear the medics come in and I suddenly become less nervous.

The baby started to quiet down as the medics took Pete out of the house and Patrick came upstairs to tell me what was going on.

"Babe Pete was drunk and came in here and trashed the place. He looked like he had been crying and he cut himself with the kitchen knife." Patrick cried as I put the baby down.

"Patrick it's gonna be okay. He's safe in the hospital now we will go and visit him later in the day. I'll call Megan so she can watch the baby okay? He's gonna be okay." I said pulling Patrick into a hug.

"I know he just scared me."

"I know I know but you need to stay positive think happy things. We will go see him just go get some rest I'll go down stair and clean up the mess. Okay?"


Patrick's POV

I was so upset. I took a shower to clean Pete's blood off of me and got dressed into my pjs. I went to pick up Ileigha she was sound asleep. I went into the bedroom and laid her down on my chest. Listening to her little noises and seeing her little hands lay on my chest was so peaceful. I quickly then fell asleep.

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