The Hospital Visit

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Pete's POV

I woke up in a white room in a bed. My head hurt like crazy and I felt really dizzy. What happened last night? Where am I? Then I heard the nurse walk in. Thank god I'm in the hospital.

"So Mr. Wentz do you know what happened to you?" The nurse asked.

"No I don't remember." I said looking down at my arms wondering why they were bandaged up.

"Well you got very drunk and tried committing suicide."

Then I remember last night me and Megan got into a really bad fight and I thought she was leaving me and I got super upset. I grabbed my phone to see I had twenty missed calls and thirty missed messages from Megan. I then dialed her number.

Moments later......


"Pete baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean so be so upset at you. I love you please come back home what happened? Where are you?" She said sobbing into the phone.

"Megan I'm in the hospital. Apparently I tried to commit suicide and got drunk."

"Pete I love you please don't be so angry at me I didn't mean to go off at you like I did?" She said worried.

"I know I love you too. In coming home soon."

"Okay well I'll let you get some rest honey I love you?" She questioned.

"I love you too."

End of phone call.

"Okay so you wil be able to leave around noon. But for now you need to get some rest."

"Okay thank you."

I then quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Megan's POV
(Not Patrick's sister- his girlfriend)

I'm so worried about Pete I don't know what got into me. I blamed him for cheating and he wasn't. I don't know what I was thinking. The next thing I knew was I found him laying in the bathroom floor with a knife in one hand and a note in the other.

Dear friends and family,

If you are reading this I am probably already dead. I did this because I thought my life was ending. I thought I was loosing my love of life and my son I hadn't seen in forever. I had been going throught depression lately and fighting wasn't helping. I did this to make everyone happy. Patrick you are an amazing best friend and couldn't ask for a better one. The band is awesome I love you yal so much and I don't know what I would do with out you all. Now Megan, I don't know what to say. I have never loved someone more than you in my entire life. I love you so much and I am watching over you.


I sat there and cried thinking that this was all my fault. Pete's in the hospital because of me. I cried and cried. Then I felt sick. I went to the toilet and threw up my guts. I didn't think much of it because I was worried sick about Pete litteraly.

I got up from the bathroom, brushed my teeth and got dressed then headed to the hospital.

-Skipped to the Hospital-

I walked to the front desk and asked what room Pete Wentz was in.

"Room 34 Floor 2."

"Thank you ma'am."

I quickly ran to the elevator hoped in and then the doors were stop a a man. It was Patrick.

"Oh my god Patrick!" I said hugging him.

"Megan I know what happened?"

"I don't know we got into an arugment and he went upstairs and I didn't see him for a while after that. I went up stairs to the bathroom and found him laying there and I put in the car and drove to your house. I needed help and I was nervous to call 911. I got him out of the car when he woke up and started shouting at me and I left." I said sobbing into his shoulder.

"And I found him laying in my kitchen floor covered in blood."

"Oh my god Patrick in so sorry. I didn't mean to injured I just needed help."

"Oh need to apologize it's okay."

We then found Pete's room and ran to him. We walked in and found him awake sitting up on the bed. My heart fell to the floor seeing him look like that.

"I'll leave you too alone." Patrick whispered into my ear. I nodded in response.


"Baby I'm so sorry I didn't know what I was doing I love you so much." Pete said tearing up and hugged me.

"No Pete I over reacted I should have blown up like that I'm so sorry I love you too."

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