Not so nice creature

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We were able to ride the sky spirit for almost a day long because it went around the entire world in the span of a week and it would be going the same way we were headed. It didn't change its course for anyone but it let people tag along.

"We'll be back in about a week." Gill said. I looked at hiccup excitedly. He grinned back. I knew he missed toothless and I felt sorry for pulling everyone into this mess.

"That was suprisingly easy." Astrid said. "I was expecting a full on war."

Gill laughed and nodded. "Honestly i did too." I glanced At him but he was looking forward. I let it go and chuckled.

I took a deep breath and looked over at hiccup. His auburn hair floated around his face like when he went riding with toothless. His green eyes staring intently at his surroundings and he seemed so calm.

"I'm looking forward to kicking your butt when we compete." I send implying the challenge he proposed on Sorvan.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Sorry but that won't be happening." He said

"Oh yeah? I bet blue could beat you with her eyes closed." I said.

"Well toothless already has a disadvantage with his tail." Hiccup said. "So basically we already are."

"Nuh uh. Toothless has trained with that. It doesn't count." I said.

"Fine. But we're still gonna win"

"In your dreams chief." I said and ruffled his hair. Making him push my arm away and hold back a laugh.

"We'll see y/n. We shall see"

I smirked at him and turned forward again. I heard valka and gill talking about spirits and Astrid was on her back with her elbows pushing her upper body of the spirits wing lost in thought.

"Ah. Here's our stop." Gill said standing up.

I looked down and saw a wide deep lake.

"Were jumping in there?" I asked.

"Sure are."

I sighed. This trip was no place for someone with fear of heights that's for sure. Luckily we were all seasoned dragon riders and were used to high altitudes.

Gill jumped from the edge and positioned his leg to make it hit the water with less impact. Valka jumped after him. Astrid walked forward but I held her back and jumped looking up at her and gave her the finger guns as she looked at me shocked and I saw hiccup peak his head over laughing at Astrid.

I turned around and spun through the air like I did with blue. I yelled out in happiness at the surreal and incredible feeling.

I hit the water and pushed up just as hiccup and Astrid hit the water. I wiped my eyes and swam towards shore. The others were nearer since they had already began swimming or they had jumped later when the spirit was above a different part of the lake. I swam forward kicking with my legs and scooping with my arms.

A funny thought popped into my head. That was the third time I had been falling into a body of water at hundreds of feet up. First when I had lost my memory and second when I had fallen off aero island.

Something interrupted that thought by wrapping itself around my ankle. I screamed in surprise.

Hiccup looked at me with a worried look on his face before I was pulled under. I gasped for breath just before my face submerged in the blue water. But it wasn't like the blue the first two times. It was darker and greener. I wave of worry washed over me as I was pulled deeper. I looked around and saw both hiccup and Astrid attempting to swim to me. But whatever was pulling me down was much faster.

I looked at what was wrapped around my ankle. A skinny bright yellow tentacle with electric blue spots. It was no thicker than my wrist yet it was incredibly strong. I couldn't see the creatures body and I was sure that I wouldn't want to.

I pried at it and tried to get it off of my leg but It held firm and kept pulling me into a black abyss where the monster was waiting for me.

I resorted to scratching at it. It only loosened a little bit before tightening once again. I needed something sharper. Did I have anything on me? A knife? A rock? Maybe a stick? No.

I was running out of breath and looked up to hiccup and Astrid. Their bodies fading as I got further and further away from them. Light cascaded down from the surface and I feared I would never see the light of day again. My ears started to heat up and ache under all the pressure.

Isnt there anything I can use?

I have earrings! Maybe I could use them. I pulled one off and started stabbing at the creature. It didn't loosen so I resorted to cutting through the entire tentacle. It couldn't be too hard since it wasn't very thick. Bright red liquid spilled out of the cuts I was leaving. The earrings weren't ideal but they were getting the job done and soon I had cut through. I grabbed the severed tentacle in my hand and pulled it off my ankle leaving red suction marks around my leg that began to bleed.

Only one more problem remained. I needed air. My lungs were burning as I pushed to the surface.

Astrid and hiccup saw I had escaped and waited for me to reach them before grabbing my arms and helping me swim the rest of the way up. Hiccup looked at me with wide eyes as blood leaked from my leg. I could also see blood flow around my face. I wasn't sure where it came from. It couldn't have been my leg.

My ears aching began to worsen and I felt them get warm And start ringing as once again a substantial amount of pressure was released. I heard them pop but the aching didn't fade.

Air! I need air!

Just one more second I thought as we were barely at the surface but my mouth forced me to breath in and I got a mouth full of water before we hit the top.

I coughed as the other two swam me to the shore. I could feel water pouring out of my eyes nose and mouth as we swam and I felt my leg start to sting from the red wounds the tentacle left.

"Y/n! What happened?" Valka asked as we reached her and gill on the shore. I tasted blood and realized my nose was bleeding

"Looks like we invaded someone's lake." Astrid glared at gill. He looked at me regret filling his features.

"I had no idea. I've been here before and nothings ever happened. I'm so sorry." He apologized

"It's fine. I'm fine." I choked out.

"You are not fine y/n." Valka said and cupped my face examining it. She turned my head. "Goodness are your ears bleeding?"

That would explain the ringing and hot sensation I was feeling. I reached my hand up just to be sure and pulled back with red blood on my fingers.

"What is that?" Hiccup asked looking at the yellow tentacle in my hand with watery blood pouring out.

"That's what was pulling me down." I said and opened my hand up revealing the bloody and bent up earring.

"You cut it off with your earring!?" Hiccup asked grabbing onto my arm and leading into my face.

"It's not like I had much else to use." I said wiping my nose on my wrists which only spread the blood around. I leaned forward and waited for the blood pour to slow down. My face felt a little numb but my ears weren't aching.

I felt the sting in my leg and pulled up my pant leg to see the suction marks again.

I heard hiccup gasp and lean down to look at them.

"Oh my gods!" He said. "Does it hurt?" He asked. I nodded a little and he brushed his fingers gently across a few of them. I winced a bit as the stinging worsened before hiccup pulled away and I walked forward trying to forget what just happened.

"Why don't we relax for the rest of the day y/n?" Astrid held me back.

"Fine. But I don't want to be near that lake." I said pointing at it and shivering thinking about what might have happened if I hadn't thought of a way to save myself.

"Sure." She said and we walked for about five minutes before settling down for the day and talked.

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