A date

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Hiccup and I landed on the island. Cherry trees covered the entire landscape and the pink petals fell and blew around in the wind. Blue was having fun rolling around in the grass and fallen petals.

"Unbelievable." I said in awe repeating hiccups description of the island.

"I know!" He replied and pulled me to a cliff edge and sat me down. We looked at the scenery below us.

"I brought us some food." He said and pulled out some fruits and bread. He knew I was a food lover from sorvan.

"I did too!" I said and went over to blue and slid her saddle off before she ran off and almost bumbed into several trees before toothless nudged her out of the way. I chuckled before sitting back down and swinging my legs off the edge.

I took out a knife and cut open the mango in my hand as hiccup pulled out the bread and ripped a piece off for him. He looked at the mango.

"What's that?" He said with his mouth full.

"You've never had mango?" I asked.

He shook his head. I smiled and started cutting little squares into each half before passing it to him. He took it in his hands and bit into it. Skin and all.

"What are you doing!" I laughed as he spit it out.

"Well how am I supposed to eat it?" He asked throwing his arms around.

"I was about to show you idiot!" I laughed kicking my legs a bit. He shook his head

"Then by all means, show me the way, o' great fruit eater." He said motioning to the mango half in my hands.

"I will." I said laughing. "O' great dragon rider." I said teasing him with the nickname some of the villagers on berk had given him. He laughed and shook his head before telling me to get on with it.

"Ok. So like this." I said as I flipped the mango inside out and the squares I cut popped apart. "Then you just bite these off." I said and bit one of the sections tasting the fruit on my tongue. He did the same.

"It's kinda slimey." He said looking at the fruit in his hands. "It's good though."

I smiled and finished mine off before sucking the rest of it off the skin and moving onto the seed biting off all the pieces I had missed. Then I chucked the seed behind us and took a piece of bread after wiping my hands off in the grass.

"Let's make another song." I said with my mouth half full.

He nodded smiling.

Our songs were sucky and more like poems with a tune and usually, pretty stupid but they were funny and a good pass time.

"I'll go first." I said and started coming up with a mediocre melody. "You are o' great dragon rider. There's no one mighty-errrrrr" I sung off key. And we laughed before hiccup started his part.

"Ok..." he thought. "And you are o' great fruit eater. No one can eat a mango neater." He finished and laughed again.

"Pretty much sums it up." I laughed.

I leaned my elbows behind me and sighed feeling the sunshine on my face.

"This is like our secret island now, ok?"  I said.

"Oh yeah. No one except us and our dragons will ever set foot on this island." He said back nodding while pressing his lips together and squinting his eyes in thought. He looked forward at the scenery.

I grinned, looking forward too. I felt extremely peaceful suddenly and liked how the breeze felt in my hair as it brushed across my face. I looked over at hiccup who looked like he felt the same.

I watched his hair flow around in different directions and his green eyes scan the scenery. I smiled softly and stared at him admiringly. He turned his head to look at me and I quickly turned away. I felt him smirk to my side and he put his face in front of mine. I held back a smile and turned my face a different direction. He did the same and put his face in my line of vision. Finally I looked into his eyes and he was smirking widely.

"Yes hiccup?" I asked pretending as if nothing had happened.

"Yes y/n?" He asked back.

"I don't know what you want." I said rolling my eyes and turning away.

"I saw you staring at me." He said.

"Who? Me? Nooooo." I said.

"Yes you. Do you have something to say?" He asked.

"Still don't know what your talking about." I said and closed my eyes to block him out.

Big mistake.

He started tickling me.

What's it with people tickling me?

"No- stop- hahaha don't-" I gasped trying to get him off of me.

"Oh yeah? What was that y/n? What were you saying?" He teased.

"You little-" I started before he tickled me again.

I squirmed under him and clenched my arms against my sides as he poked me and tackled me down. He watched me as I struggled and laughed letting me go.

"I hate you so much." I said sitting up and holding my arms to my sides in case he tried to jump me again.

"No you don't." He said smiling. "You're on a date with me y/n. You wouldn't have done that unless you liked me." He teased.

"Well I changed my mind." I said and folded my arms.

"Oh please." He said and gave me a cute smile making me hold back a smile of my own before turning my head away to try and hide it.

"You're so annoying." I said glaring half heartedly at him. And he replied with another cute smile. I put my hand on his face and pushed him away making him fall into his back. I laughed at him.

He sat up and glared at me laughing. "You're asking for another tickling." He said and reached for me.

"No. No. No. No." I said pushing his hands away. "No sir. I will not allow it." I said and he laughed. He held his hand out for me to grab and pulled me up off the ground.

"Let's head back. It's gonna get dark pretty soon and as comfortable as I am I would much rather sleep on my mattress." Hiccup said. I nodded in agreement and we packed up and set for home.

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