More training

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Me and blue were working on our flying. I worked with hiccup to make something similar to toothless' prosthetic tail. Since blue wasn't actually missing a tail fin we put a wide flap of blue leather to match her scales, that was placed vertically in between her other tail fins. I could adjust it with a mechanism just like hiccups. It helped me guide her and it was much easier for stunts and tricky flying conditions. I still wasn't totally used to it but was slowly getting the hang of it.

Right now we were coming on a small obstacle to practice. The night was coming on soon and the sun was about to set making the sky turn bright colors like pink and orange and purple. I pet blues head reassuring her.

"Just go with the flow blue." I said. And she chittered a reply.

I took a deep breath and moved my foot around to get it ready.

"Here we go." I said. I pushed my foot down and felt my stomach flip as we dropped. I adjusted my foot again and we swooped up and went through a hole at the base of a rock formation. I smiled gaining confidence and scooted around in the saddle. I moved my foot and blue went up and around a large rock shooting out of the water. She turned vertical as I tipped my foot to the side and flipped around. She gurgled happily. I moved my foot back and forth and we dove through the rocks dodging things as we flew swiftly through. I watched another rock block our way and sighed thinking of what I could do to get her around it. I pushed my foot down and she flew up.

That's not exactly what I wanted. I must have accidentally pushed the wrong way but I had to think fast and work with it. I began adjusting my foot to guide her around it but the petal stuttered and I struggled to push it down.

"Come on!" I yelled as the rock stuck out in our way. "Shit!"

I finally pushed it down but it went too far and the tail fin turned but not quite enough knocking me off blue. I reached up and grabbed onto her saddle barely wrapping my hand around one of the metal hoops stopping me from falling. It's a good thing those hoops were there I guess. A sharp pain made itself noticeable in my chest where the rock had hit me and I groaned. I coughed a few times getting some air into my lungs and patted my chest to try and ease the pain. I grabbed on with my other hand and blue hovered feeling me climb up onto the saddle.

"Ok." I choked out. "That went better then last time." I said and tugged my mask off letting my hair fall to my shoulders.

"Let's go back now." I said.

The main reason me and blue were training so hard was to be able to join the dragon races that berk hosted. I had watched a few races and was dead set on beating hiccup. As usual.

It looked decently fun and I assumed that blue could smell the sheep they used as points. She was getting more and more sensitive to smell since she could no longer see.

I took off the chest plate made of blues shedded scales and my arm Armor to look at my chest. I pulled open my under shirt to see a large bruise forming on my chest and collar bone. I sighed but noticed no blood so I put my shirt back down and packed up the armor I had taken off, to tired to put it back on.

I had been staying at berk for the week since I was excited to watch more races and aunt Eliza and uncle arty were being especially clingy. I didn't mind though. More time with hiccup and Astrid.

They had made me a temporary cot for whenever I came to stay that we would put in astrids room. We usually wouldn't even use the cot. We wouldn't sleep at all when I was spending the night. We would laugh and talk and tell each other about everything. It was something we did when we were kids but I never appreciated it as much as I do now. It was nice having someone to talk to. Even though I never had anything super interesting to say it was always fun and Astrid found it funny when I cracked a joke. So most nights we stayed up and muffled our laughter in our hands to try and keep quiet while her parents slept in the other room like little girls.

The other day I had asked hiccup if we could go on another date and he laughed and accepted. Later when I asked why he laughed he said it was because he was just about to ask me the same thing.

I kinda wanted to make it official but I wasn't sure how hiccup felt about it so I waited for him to ask me. I guess it was the cowardly thing to do but what can I say? I'm not gonna be brave in all aspects.

The sky was dark now and the air was warm since it was now a little past spring time. Blues scales glowed brightly and so did my armor that was still attached to my legs. The sky was spotted with stars and lighter grey clouds and the water shimmered with the moons reflection. I took a deep breath of cool air and leaned back on blue. She hummed and I smiled.

I sat back up when I saw the warm glow of lanterns and campfires. I saw the lanterns lined up and down the flying port and guided blue down and tapped on her scales notifying her we were landing.

Me and blue landed and I saw hiccup walk up to me as I slid off of blue and told her she could go find toothless once I finished taking off the rest of my armor and putting the saddle under my arm. She stumbled off and the villagers helped her find her way.

"How was it?" He asked. I turned to face him and he looked down at my color bone.

"Can't take your eyes off me can you?" I teased him

"Wha- no. I wasn't- I was looking at your bruise." He blushed looking around. I laughed at him knowing that but wanting to bug him anyways.

"I'm assuming it went well then." He said sarcastically.

I laughed. "Yeah. Yeah. it went really well. I even ran into a rock after my petal malfunctioned!" I said. My sentence also extremely sarcastic.

"Oh darn. Sorry." He said.

"Yeah. It's alright. I'm not dead." I said.

He laughed "you always say that in near death experiences." He said

"Near. The key word is near." I laughed and pointed at him with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.

He chuckled back and nodded.

"Anyways. I was thinking we could get a second petal. Just so that I could have more ease with controlling her. Maybe we can make some more complex moves and motions with it. You know?" I said.

He nodded. "Sure. I was thinking we could add a few more fins to give her more flexibility." He said "we can even do two motions at once with two petals!" He started getting excited and I watched his eyes light up. I smiled at him.

"Absolutely!" I said and he grinned at me.

"Let's do it right now!" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the blacksmith.

I laughed following after him. Once we got there he opened his sketch book and we began planning additions and adjustments to our inventions.

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