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I lay on my back in bed and stared up at the ceiling. My bare feet stuck up at the end and my arms lay motionless next to me. I let out a long bored breath.

What should I do today?

I was back on my island and since I lived alone here I didn't have much to do. I sat up and hung my legs off the bed.


I thought for a while before deciding to work on my knowledge of weaponry and practice my aim. Maybe it would come in handy.

I got up and cut down a curved limb off of a tree and started to carve it into a bow. I carved a handle for me and a surface for an arrow to sit. Then I tied a tight string and tested the flexibility. It seemed alright so I started to make arrows out of the leftover wood and arrowheads I had collected.

All done!

I painted a target on one of the trees and loaded an arrow and pulled my arm back. I followed what I had seen others do when they were firing arrows. Keep you elbows up. Eyes forward. Wrist out of the way. Good sturdy stance. Deep breath.

I fired.

Not even close. I sorta just laughed and reloaded going over the steps once more.

Missed again.

It went on like this for about two hours before I was beginning to sweat. My arms hurt slightly and so I set the bow down and wiped my forehead with my arm. I exhaled and walked barefoot over to my house.

What else could I do?

I remembered the clay that lay at the bottom of the lake and decided to make something out of it. An idea popped into my head and I began making small dragons out of the clay and once they were finished I had blue blow fire into a small rock cage I had made that worked like a kiln to bake the clay. Once she was finished I thanked her and she flew off to do whatever. I liked to let her mind her own business and do whatever she wanted since she had her own life and she liked to go on solo flies every once in a while.

I waited for the clay to cool off and took out the paints that I had bought and started painting each one their corresponding colors. I set them on a tree stump to dry off.

It was only two o clock. I felt like getting up early made time go slower. But last night I couldn't sleep for some reason so I just layer there trying to get some rest unsuccessfully.

I scratched my head and looked around for something else to do.

I decided to work on my garden since I had let it get a little overgrown and it needed a little tlc.

I grabbed my plow and dug lines that connected to the lake to give them a natural water supply and so that they would self water. I pulled all the weeds out and piled them up so I could possibly make some compost. I drove short stakes into the ground to fence off the area and stood up again to observe my work.

The amount of things i could get done when I was bored always shocked me. I had managed to make almost an entire tree house in one day once and this was just about as shocking.

I put my hands in my hips and wiped my knees and hands off.

Another idea for what to do came to my mind much easier this time and I grabbed my little box of art supplies and climbed up to the small ledge I had built in the trees and sat in the sun. I opened my sketchbook and painted. I started by painting a few of the little dragon figurines I had made. Then I painted the bow. My sketchbook had become more and more colorful since I had found the paints and I was all for it.

I got bored of that extremely fast and looked around for blue. Maybe I could go for a fly.

I couldn't find her anywhere and so I went up to my treehouse and made myself a sandwich out of some cheese and tomatoes I made and grew. I swung my legs off the island as I ate and looked at the sky.

I looked out and saw multiple specks flying towards me and I ran up to grab my telescope and looked at them.

A grin formed on my face as I recognized the riders and I waited for my friends to land.

"Thank god your here! I've been so bored and I can't find blue."

"One of these days blues gonna ditch you and you'll be stuck in the island." Tuffnut said.

"No she won't. She'd probably just invent something or build a boat." Ruffnut argued

"Oh yeah? And how do you suppose she gets the boat off the island? Huh?"

"Shell drop it down idiot!" They argued back and forth making me laugh.

Astrid walked over to the bow I had made and picked it up.

"Have you been practicing with this?" She asked. I nodded at her and she took one of the arrows and fired it. It hit the tree but it wasn't a bullseye. I knew Astrid was better with weapons than I was and I chuckled.

"Anyways. We were gonna go exploring." Hiccup said wrapping an arm around my shoulders and kissing my temple making me smile.

"I would come but I don't know where blue is." I said. Hiccup nodded looking slightly disappointed. I didn't like that look so I attempted to get rid of it.

"Hold on. I'll try this again." I said and put my fingers in my mouth and blew a whistle as loud as I could. I heard a roar in the distance and smiled as I looked and saw blue flying towards us.

"Guess it worked." Snot lout said. I smiled as she landed and licked my face.

"Gross," I said and tried wiping the dragon spit off of me. She gurgled teasingly. I glared halfheartedly at her and put the saddle on her not paying much attention and watched everyone mount they're dragons and taking off after me.

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