I short battle

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"Y/n!" Hiccup yelled pulling me out of the way of a blast of fire as we ran towards the edge of the fight.

"Who are these people?" I asked.

"I think their from the other world. They must have broke into the portal place and gotten through somehow." Valka said

It made sense. But why? Was it for dragons?

"But they didn't have any powder." Astrid said.

"Remember when we were eavesdropping Corbin and Salhar? And they said they had been robbed. Maybe the people who robbed them came back and broke through." I said.

Hiccup looked at me and nodded.

"That must be it."

"I must get to stoik" valka said. I nodded at her.

"You have to go find your dragons." I said to hiccup and Astrid. Astrids eyes widened and she sprinted off calling stormflys name. Hiccup watched as valka ran off.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked.

"What are you gonna do?" He asked.

"I'm not sure. Blue might still be able to fly but I don't know about through obstacles or in battle." I said thinking "I'll see if she's up for blasting at people from above."

He looked hesitant but nodded. I gesture for him to hurry up and go and he started jogging away. I watch as he turns around and comes back

"Hiccup what are you-" he interrupts me by placing his warm lips onto mine. He pulls back quickly.

"Be careful." He says and runs off before I can respond.

I put my hand to my lips and feel major butterflies as I think of what just happened.

I shake my head and climb onto blue who seems confused at all the noise but must have figured out what was going on.

"Ok blue. I'm going to tell you where to go and you just have to trust me ok?" I ask. She nods slowly and I begin giving her commands.

"Up." I said and she flies up about ten feet. "Ok now turn this much." I say and draw a circle on her. She spins around in a circle. "Ok now just this much." I say drawing only a half circle. She follows. I do this a few times giving different measurements every few times before I can tell she gets the hang of it.

"Ok fly forward until I take my finger off of you." I say. She does this and soon we are directly above the battle. I can tell she's scared but I know the dragons are loyal and wouldn't turn on us, leaving us out of harms way. I move her head to point at a certain group of people fighting berkians.

"Ok fire." I said and I can hear blue warming up. She shoots and people run for cover.

"Good job!" I say and she gurgled happily.

Now I draw my finger on her scanning the crowd. She turns slowly and stops when I stop. She's slowly recognizing what each thing means and I press my finger on her telling her to fly forward. We go slow at first but soon we get the hang of it. I see hiccup fly up on toothless and start doing the same as I. He goes a lot faster since toothless doesn't need any guidance. Unfortunately we are slowly running out of fire blasts.

I hear a familiar voice yelling. "We don't have to fight! Just leave them alone and go with us back to the other world!" It was Corbin.

The fighting slowed as a woman comes out.

"We want these dragons!" She says.

"Well they aren't yours." Corbin reply's. I've never agreed with Corbin more.

"How come this world gets them but we don't?"

"It's just the way it is." Corbin replies "you have spirits. They have dragons."

She looks around. Then up at me and hiccup flying. She glares a little before thinking. Finally, she nods.

"Good. Now gather everyone up and come along." Corbin says. She reluctantly yells for everyone to follow and they obey. Soon they all go over the side and into the cave. I land on blue and walk up to her face giving her pets and she purrs and rubbed her face against my hands.

"You did so good." I say. She smiled at me. It's different now. She doesn't have any eyes and she seems worn out. I miss those blue eyes that used to stare up at me with that stupid look on her face and I chuckled as tears came to my eyes.

"Let's go fix you up." I say and she nods. Night came and the stars began peeking out of the dark blue sky.

I bring her to hiccups house and walk in. Nobodies home and even though I'm pretty much breaking and entering it was for a good cause.

I get some bandages and healing remedies and walk out to where blue was waiting for me since my personal stuff was on aero island and I wasn't about to make her fly there.

"Here you go." I said as I bandaged her up and rubbed ointments and oils on her wounds and eyes. She winces every once in a while but let's me. She whimpers once I'm finished and I solemnly laugh at how almost half of her is patched up with white. Soon I see toothless come up and nudge her. She flinched but sniffs the air and recognizes him as toothless. They curl up into each other affectionately.

"Hey." I hear hiccup say behind me.

I turn around blushing, thinking about the kiss. "Hey." I say and rub the back of my neck.

"You guys are back!" I heard Tuffnut yell. I looked over at him and the rest of the gang. Astrid came over with stormfly and we all packed into a tight group hug.

"Welcome home." Fishlegs told us and we all smiled.

"It's good to be home. I'm exhausted." Astrid said.

"Yeah. I'm going to head to bed but you have to tell us what happened tomorrow!" Ruffnut said.

"Sure thing." I said.

"Ok me too." Snot lout yawned.

The group all agreed to sleep now and talk later and split up to go walk to each of their houses. I looked at blue and began to try and pry her out of toothless' embrace.

"Um. So... about... well you know." I hear hiccup say shyly and see him look at the ground. "I don't really know what came over me but I just-"

I interrupted him.

"It's cool." I say and he looks up at me again. "I kinda liked it." I say breaking eye contact and smiling shyly. I can see him smile out of the corner of my eye.

"Me too." He chuckled.

"Maybe we can do it again sometime?" I asked.

"Like when?" He says taking a small step closer.

"Oh... I don't know maybe-" he interrupts me again by putting his lips against mine once more. I smile as he took the hint and kiss back this time.

I can't focus on anything else. Just him and his lips on mine. Butterflies explode inside me again. I put my hand on his neck pulling him a little bit closer. Soon though he pulls apart. Too soon for my liking but I assumed it wouldn't be the last time we would kiss. Or at least I hoped so.

"Can we maybe do that again sometime?" He asked. I grinned and nodded.

"Can we maybe go out or something sometime too?" He asked. I replied the same way. He smiled and laughed relaxing a bit and looking at the ground. I didn't realize how badly I wanted him to ask me that.

"Uuh well good job." He said. "Fighting people I mean."

"It's what I do best." I grinned making him laugh.

"Good night." He said.

"Night hiccup."

Hiccup x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now