18. Do Whatever You Want*

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This chapter contains smut, if you don't like that just skip the section (smut is marked where it begins and where it ends) don't feel as though you have to read it, the story will still make sense if you skip it.

"You look amazing," Lewis complimented me as he looked at my being.

My hair was down, my face with a layer of makeup, my body draped in a satin, emerald green v-neck dress. It finished a few inches above my knees and was paired with strapped, black stilettos. I also wore the sword necklace Lewis had bought me for my birthday, as it matched the rest of my silver jewelry.

 I also wore the sword necklace Lewis had bought me for my birthday, as it matched the rest of my silver jewelry

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"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself," I responded. Looking at his black shirt and his expensive silver watch he wore on his wrist. His hair in tight curls and his brown eyes shimmered in glee at the compliment.

I slipped my hand into Lewis's, our fingers interlocking as we entered Tony's mansion. We had arrived early, so little to no one was around yet. I led him over to the lounge where I grabbed myself a glass and took a sip straight away.

Lewis looking down at my lips and back up to my eyes, a smile forming on his face. "What?" I asked him. However, he gave no reply. Instead, he slowly leaned in trying to catch me in a kiss.

I smoothly swerved my head to the side and kissed him on the cheek. I kept my lips close to his ear so he could hear me, "I know you want me, but you have to be patient. The party hasn't started yet..."

As I whispered those words my lips grazed his ear slightly and I could hear his breathing get louder, "You know I'm not patient though." He responded.

I was trying extremely hard to resist. It had been more than six months since I'd felt intimate with anyone, but I wanted it to be special. A build-up of tension so high it would be impossible to resist any longer. For now, he was still resistible.

I was also scared that if I let Lewis in too soon, he would go back to his old ways. He would feel like he was entitled, and I didn't want to a seen a prize. I just wanted someone who wanted me because we had a special relationship.

"Well, you're gonna have to learn to be patient," I informed him, booping his nose and strutting away, which only frustrated him more, but that's what made it so great.

I ran into Natalie who had just walked out of Tony's room. "Is Tony coming out or what?" I asked Natalie.

Her face was very solemn as she replied, "He was considering shutting the whole thing down." My shoulders slumped down in disappointment.

"And you talked him out of it, right?" I said, brows raised in hope. She gave me a half-smile, "I don't know. You should go talk to him yourself," she pointed towards the door before entering her room to go and change.

I turned back and saw Lewis sitting on the couch alone. He looked up and gave me a wink before I smiled back and made my way up to Tony's room.

There he was sat down in a deep red shirt, the top two buttons undone. He watched me enter and a small smile crept up his face before he dropped it and maintained a serious expression.

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