56. The Zodiac

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The Brooklyn mission was a complete success and Nick Fury was impressed with both Cap and me for how well we worked together as a team. I guess he was right, we did have some sort of chemistry.

For the next few months, we worked on further training and group training, incorporating the STRIKE team, as that is who Natasha, Steve, and I would be working with for the near future. Which meant working with Rumlow. I wasn't too bothered since the beef we had previously was squashed. I thought we'd make a good team.

For most of the coming months, Natasha was going undercover at Wills Tower in Chicago, returning to S.H.I.E.L.D. with intel that zodiac would be stolen by a man called Baker and used to kill innocent people.

Zodiac only came in a small test tube container, but the stuff could do terrible damage and it needed to be in possession of S.H.I.E.L.D. where it could be kept hidden and never used.

The main thing about this mission was that Fury and the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D didn't know it was taking place. For now, it needed to stay that way.

The team flew to Chicago via Quinjet and arrived in the early hours of the morning, around about the time the thieves were set to steal the zodiac. Rumlow, Cap, and I would enter through the front door, while Natasha would come in later.

Rumlow was sent in first. Disguised in a long trench coat he was sent in as a quick distraction so you and Steve could make a swift attack.

"Hey," Rumlow lied, making his voice deeper as he entered the building and walked up to the desk at the reception, "I'm looking for Wrigley Field."

"Well, it's not here." The man at the desk replied sardonically.

The actual Wills Tower receptionist was shot dead minutes prior. The man who sat at the desk now was working with Baker, making ensuring that no S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel or other authority would catch them.

"Oh, sure I know that," was all Rumlow could come up with as a response.

"I think you'd better head out now," the enemy said, reaching into his pocket for a gun. Rumlow however, refused to move:

"You're not gonna talk like that to a Cubs fan are you?" Rumlow asked, now getting agitated. It was only so long before he would need to break character and defend himself from a possible attack.

"That's it you need to leave right no--" the man began to pull his gun out when he was whacked in the head by Captain America's shield. You and Steve came running into the building as Rumlow removed the cloak.

"Nice bit of acting work, Rumlow," Cap complimented, "I used to some of that for the USO."

"Where'd you think I learned it, Cap? They showed us your old newsreels during our training," Rumlow informed him.

"Meh, I still think I could've done a better job," I stated, as Cap went to collect his shield from the floor.

"We shouldn't even be here," Steve stated, "These people—whoever they are—stole the zodiac from S.H.I.E.L.D...."

"...After S.H.I.E.L.D. swore they didn't have it," I finished off.

Yes. That was the catch. We weren't supposed to be here, but Natasha caught wind of the fact that the zodiac was going to be stolen from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s possession we were all caught off guard. Although the truth was initially hidden from us, the zodiac was still safest in our hands.

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