48. Useless And Suit-less

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"JARVIS, target Extremis heat signatures. Disable with extreme prejudice," commanded Tony once all the suits were in line.

"Yes, sir." JARVIS boomed through all the suits. They all began attacking, flying around in different directions. One suit was able to dislocate into parts and fire itself into the enemies. Another was really bulky and strong enough to hold falling structures in place.

Tony continued to give specific commands to each variation of the suit:

"Jarvis, get Igor to steady this thing... Heartbreaker, help Red Snapper out, will you?"

"So this is how you've been managing your downtime, huh?" Rhodes remarked.

Tony smiled, "Everybody needs a hobby... Nice timing!" He exclaimed when one of his suits came down and opened itself up so Tony could don it.

"So are me and Rhodes gonna get a suit or...?" I asked Tony. We were in this fight too and we needed protection if we wanted to win... And I also really wanted to try one on. I've been dying to since Mark IV.

"Yeah, gimme a suit, okay?" Rhodes said, opening his arms out, waiting for some armor to wrap around him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, they're only coded to me," Tony revealed which annoyed the both of us.

"Are you for real?" I complained before JARVIS piped up, "This is also part of the 20 percent you cannot access, Sarge."

"Shut up, Jarvis," I whined before Tony said, "I got you covered," and flew off in his fresh suit.

I stood with my hand on my hips and faced Rhodes, "Ain't this fun!" I half-joked before a suit dropped and landed in between us.

"Good evening, Colonel. Can I give you a lift?" The armor said, opening its arms out for Rhodes to step into.

"Very funny," he retorted as he approached the suit. "You are welcome to a lift too, Sergeant." The robot offered just before taking off with Rhodes.

I nodded in response and another suit came down to collect me. I stepped forward and hugged it tightly so that it could carry up to Rhodes.

The ride up was smooth sailing, but the drop-off, not so much. The bot let go whilst it traveled at a fast speed, which meant I was chucked to the ground landing on my arm right next to Rhodes who was clenching his bicep.

"Rough landing too, huh?" I asked and he nodded before the platform began to vibrate. I rolled around and saw two attackers sprinting their way towards us. I quickly reached for the glock in my back pocket and pointed it out to shoot, but before I could, a suit came down and blocked the path.

This version of Iron Man was grey and had huge masses instead of hands like the original did. The bot slammed the masses on the platform, causing the attackers to fling upwards. While they were mid-air, it used its fists to punch them away.

Rhodes helped me up before we ran over to the edge of the platform. From here, we had a good view of the President who was still hanging above the tanker.

"Mr. President!" I shouted, trying to get his attention.

"Just hold on, alright? We coming just hold on!" Rhodes reassured him.

He ran over to a huge cable that made its way down to where the President was being held hostage, almost like a zip line. Rhodes grabbed his gun and hooked it over the cable to help him slide down smoothly. I followed suit.

We let go and landed on a huge white crate. Two enemies also dropped down and the blocked the route we wanted to take. We didn't waste any time and began shooting at them, but the both of us soon realized it was a waste when they were able to recover from every bullet wound instantly.

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