Lee know

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"Why?" Y/n asked staring hard at the wall behind his head. She couldn't understand why he seemed so broken. This was all his fault anyways.

"What?" The said male questioned shaking his head. Trying to understand just what was happening. He never meant what happened to go the way it did. He cheated on the one person that loved him whole heartedly for himself.

The girl sighed shaking her own head and looking into the older males eyes. "Why are you crying"

"Because I- "

"Why should you be the one crying" the girl asked again. Although she didn't feel like crying. Really she had no emotions about it. Truth be told she felt this coming. She already went through her heartbreak stage when she felt then falling apart. Now she was just prepared.

"I hurt you" he cried out, loud sobs racking through his body. The heartache becoming to much. How is it he felt like the victim in this situation.

"All you've done was hurt yourself" she snapped walking away to the door. She pulled it open ready to leave.

"I didn't mean to" the quiet voice said. Though to the girl it was heard loud and clear.

"If that was the case it would never happened in the first place. Sure I'll be sad for a while but deep down somewhere I knew something like this was going to happen. I am hurt but you've hurt yourself more, you've lost your friend your lover and someone who trusted you....you'll never get that trust back."

With those final words the door slammed shut leaving a shattered soul in pain. And a soul attempting to heal.

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