Tyler Hoechlin

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Tyler had came home for work and gave your kids a hug and you a kiss on the lips

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Tyler had came home for work and gave your kids a hug and you a kiss on the lips. Your two children yelled cooties and pulled you guys apart. You just found it comical.

Tyler was trying to explain to your guys kids that kissing does not give cooties. But they were none having of it.

"Kissing gives you cooties" Your oldest soon at six jumped in telling his dad.

"Yeah mommy told us. You really need to learn from her" your five year old daughter sassed hugging your legs so she could stay close.

"Oh no you didn't" Tyler teased and jumped up from the chair he was seated in and he chased your kids around.

You stood there with a smile gracing your face as you watched your family. You loved the little moments. 

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