Jacob black

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You sat at the fancy dinner table alone

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You sat at the fancy dinner table alone. Once again. This wasn't the first, third, or even sixth time he bailed. Everytime he forgot a date. Or didn't show up to an event he promised you; It tore something up in you. A chill and slight anger filled your body. But also sadness. You missed him. Though lately it felt like he wanted nothing to do with you.

You would dress up for him. Make yourself look amazing for him. But being a beauty felt like a pain these days. Why did you even try? You should have know he would forget. It's not your fault. But you should have known. You were battling with your own thoughts. It killed you.

"Mam I'm sorry but we close in thirty minutes. Would you like to order?" The waitress said. She probably felt pitty for you. You had been sitting in the same seat for the last few hours. Always telling her that you were waiting on someone. This time you couldn't wait anymore.

"No I'm okay. Thank you for your time" you smiled through the pain. You seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. 

You stood from the table and walked out with your head held high. You were so done. You couldn't take it anymore. You dont want to be a second choice. A burden.

You walked outside before getting in your car. You needed to talk to Jacob. You headed to his house. You didnt want to be broken anymore.

Jacob's POV

My phone rang for the twentieth time making me angry. I was trying to hang out with bella and it kept going off. Cant people just leave me the hell alone.

"What!" I yelled answering.

"Its y/n you need to get to the hospital now" Emily sobbed into the phone before hanging up.

Worried I looked through my phone seeing over a hundred text from the pack. Fuck. Without a word to anyone I ran to my bike picking it up and speeding off. I could hear Bellas calls from behind me. But that was the least of my worries. My heart pounded hard against my chest as I hurriedly parked my bike making it tip over as I ran inside. I frantically looked around until I found y/ns room. Rushing in I saw Emily sitting next to my girlfriend holding her hand with tears streaming down her face. Emily glanced up and gave me a glared before whispering in y/n ear saying something I could not hear. She walked out roughly hitting my shoulder as she left.

Thinking nothing of it I rushed to y/ns side taking Emily's place. Jacob felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest. So many emotions hitting him at once. Worry, and guilt being the worst. They over powered his thoughts. Why had y/n been by herself. What was she doing driving so late at night.

She had oxygen tubes hooked up her nose. She wa pale and looked like she was burning up. A cast on her arm resting on her stomach. She had broken her arm. It was painful to see the scares and cuts across her arms and face. Her neck looked bruised and bbn it looked like she was not breathing. But she was.

She turned her head looking me in my eyes. She didnt look happy to see me.


I was not happy to see Jacob. Why had he even come. I didnt want him here. I pulled my hand from his own. I did not want him touching me at all. Why did he think I wanted him too?

I did not even want him to look at me. I was so hurt but I know I am strong. And I dont need him or this stupid mate bond.

"Why are you here?" I asked keeping my voice steady. I am ready. I felt broken on the outside. But my insides are strong.

"I found out you were hurt. I care about you. That's why I am here" he tried to say making you chuckle. Oh really.

"That's funny. It doesn't feel like you care. You didnt care when we had dates. Actually all you care about is Bella Swan and youself" you snapped back.

"You know that's not true. I care about you" he said with a sad look on his face. You would not give in. You had been dealing with his lies for bbn too long.

"Sure seems like it. I wish you never imprinted on me. Life would be better off" you angrily said.

"What....you dont mean that" he tried to reason.

"I do. I reject you. Now go away. I'm done with this conversation" you told him pushing the button to call the nurse.

"Y/n please just give me a chance. I'll change" he pleaded.

"I dont want you to change. Because your not yourself when your with me. All I ever wanted was the real you. And you cant give me that man. So we are done. I'm not sorry" you smiled feeling great that you did this.


"Is everything okay miss l/n?" The nurse asked cutting Jacob off.

"Yeah its great. Can you escort him out?" You asked pretending to yawn.

"No problem miss" she softly smiled before making Jacob follow her out.

You felt free.

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