Madeline petsch

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"I am here joined with the amazing and beautiful Madelaine Petsch " The interviewer started, “So, I’ve got to say that I am totally loving your character in Riverdale" She gushed, “I mean your character Cheryl is so diffrent from the real version ...

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"I am here joined with the amazing and beautiful Madelaine Petsch " The interviewer started, “So, I’ve got to say that I am totally loving your character in Riverdale" She gushed, “I mean your character Cheryl is so diffrent from the real version of you."

Madelaine smiled touched. She always loved to talk about her character to others. But sometimes she would like to talk about things other than the show.

"Thank you so much. Ive tried two hard to make her diffrent and unique from myself. And its just a fun character to play" She said with a little grin.

"Tell how its been going this season?" The woman suggested.

"Well. Filming has been going great. Season three is almost done. The only thing I can say is this has been the hardest and most craziest season to be filmed yet" Madelaine explained.

You watched her on the tv. Everytime that she would be at an interview or on a show. You made sure to make that your first priority. If anyone in her life supported her the most. It would most definitely be you. Madelaine always made you feel things that you knew you shouldn't. She made your stomach flutter when around eachother. Or the blush that creeped up on your face when you both stood closely. Or the love you felt when she gave yoy that smile she gives no one else. You knew that you should have never fell for your best friend. Because watching her be with others always hurt you. But you also loved the way she came to you. To cry on your shoulder, or rant about her life. You are in love. Sometimes you wish you weren't.

"So Riverdale is kind of your break out role. Can you tell me on how you found out about this show. And what motivated you to do the show" the interviewer asked.

On the screen you could see Madelaine playing with her hair. She always did that when she was feeling nervous about something. Although you didn't know why she was nervous she always said the right things. And she looked amazing in her black dress.

"My manager actually had been helping me find something to act in. I had auditioned for a few other shows. But I really wanted to be in a CW show. My best friend Y/N L/N found out about the audition from a friend of ours. And thats how I learned about Riverdale," her pearly whites grinned making you smile as she continued," What motivates me is y/n. She has really made me feel like I can do anything. And everyday she exspects me to do my best and be the best version of myself. So that really helps just...having that support system. She really makes me want to be successful."

At that moment you just really wanted to jump through the screen. Just to scoop her up in your arms and never let go. You didn't know she felt that way. You were so happy that she is so open about your friendship.

"Well thats amazing. And y/n seems like an amazing person. I had seen some photos and videos of her on set with you. Or her being your date to premiers. Can you tell us what thats like?" The woman sounded genuinely like she wanted to know everything.

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