Matthew Gray Gubler

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Y/N was driving Matthew crazy, not on purpose

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Y/N was driving Matthew crazy, not on purpose.. well he didn’t think so anyway. She was always touching him a lot, smiling at him, and flirting with him. And he loved that.

Everytime he saw her, well he lost his breath. He also could not help but notice how kissable her lips were. And he was dying just to have a taste.

But right now was not a moment when he was thinking how amazing you were. Right now he wanted to walk up to you. And rip you out of the arms of the man you were hugging. He was so blinded by jealously. He didn't even know he was talking to himself.

"If you really want to kill him that much. I mean I'll help. But if we get caught I'm telling the cops you did it" His friend Hal told him.

His friend was standing next to him in the bar. With a drink in hand. While smirking at Gubler.

"What?" Matthew asked tearing his eyes from your swaying figure as you playfully danced with the same man you were hugging.

"Never mind man," Hal said when Matthew glared at him," you should learn to calm down."

"This is calm" Matthew snapped pointing to himself.

"Definitely not. Just man up. Go over to her smack her on the ass. Then demand that she let you take her home" Hal simply said.

"Im not going to do anything you just said. She would murder me" Matthew explained as he looked at his friend.

"Do something then. Your in love with her. And she loves you" Hal spoke before giving up on his jealous friend and walking over to a group of drunk girls.

Matthew rolled his eyes and looked back over. But all he saw was you and that man headed his way.

"Shit" he mumbled before gulping his beer down.

"Hey. I want you to meet someone" Y/n said as she approached Matthew.

"Is that so?" He asked glaring at the man.

"Yes Matthew meet Fin. Fin meet Matthew" She said introducing the two men.

"Nice to meet you" Fin said sticking out his hand. But when Matthew just stared at it he quickly retreated it.

"Um Im gonna go dance with my wife. Goodnight cousin" Fin said kissing your cheek. Before walking away from the awkwardness.

"Cousin?" Matthew spit out feeling like an idiot.

"Yes. Cousin. No need to be jealous" Y/n laughed at the man she loved.

"Im not jealous" He defended.

Y/n just laughed at the beautiful man. And grabbed his hand pulling him off to dance. Her arms wrapped around his neck. And her fingers curled into his hair as she brought Matthew down for a long lingering kiss. Making Matthew wrap his arms around her waist pulling her much closer. This was it. 

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