Matthew Gray Gubler

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You stand in the bathroom of your house with a small smile on your face. Happy tears silently spill from your eyes. Your small hands rub over the tiny bump on your stomach.

You were a couple weeks pregnant. You didn't even know till yesterday when you went to the hospital due to being sick. But you couldn't be happier. You and your husband had been trying to get pregnant for years. Nothing seemed to work. Now being in your thirties you thought the day would never come. But here you were. Holding the small fetus in your glowing body.

A new life that being created. You already loved this child inside you. And you knew that you would be a cautious mama. Maybe even a little crazy.

You couldn't wait to tell Matt. You would not be able to keep this a secret for long. Seeing as you were terrible at secrets. You pulled your hoodie down and gave yourself one last glance.

Grinning you walked out of the bathroom grabbed tour keys and purse. And ran to your car, you drove to the set of the show Matthew had bren in for years. Criminal minds. He was a great actor and had always done amazing for himself. Unlike him you worked as a CEO for a huge company. You had never been an actress and never wanted to be. You never liked to be in the spotlight. Maybe that was why you and Matthew attracted each other. Being completely opposite always brought something new and creative to your relationship.

Matthew and you had been married since you were both legal. In a way it was love at first sight. Cringe I know, but not terrible. Your relationship is perfect to you. Yes you guys fought, but it was never bad. There was something about Matthew that just brought out the best you.

And that was why you felt amazing. You are so ready to start a family with the man who is your everything. You couldn't think of a person better.

You pulled into the set parking lot and could feel the nerves kick in as you shut off your car. You sat back in the seat taking a deep breath. You know he will be happy. But what if he's having a bad day. You didn't want to interrupt but you could not keep this in any longer.

Opening the door you set out of your car and follow the path down to Matthews trailer. You had been on this set for years and knew it like the back of your hand. So finding what you wanted did not take long.

You walker in the trailer and took a seat on one of the sofas. Now the panic was starting to settle in.

What if he was not ready for a baby?

What if he thought that you were lying?


No you shake your head to get rid of the thoughts of doubt. Of course he would be happy. You guys have been trying for a baby for so long. Now it was finally happening. You did think you could sit here any longer. You jump up and rush out of the small home. You go to the set and walk past people. You eyes are set on your target. You see your handsome husband saying one of his lines to a co-star. You almost stop, but then realise now is the time.

You walk past the camera's right into the set. You hear people shouting at you to get off the stage. But you ignore all of them and keep walking to your man. Once you reach him your hand shots out and you take his hand. He looks at you with wide eyes, but a soft smile on his face.

"Honey what are you doing?" He asked with his eyes locked on yours. He didn't care that you had interrupted a scene. Or that you were only dressed in a robe and slippers, and that your hair sat in a messy bun on the top of your head. It was moments like this that made him see why he married you. You were the best and weirdest thing that every happened to him.

The crew groans but some chuckle before they call break. As they all walk off you remove you hands from Matthew and place them at your sides. You can feel nerves run throughout your body. But other than that you were excited.

"I had to tell you something. It could not wait" you smile as tears start to fall from your eyes.

"Hey hey hey don't cry love. Whatever it is we can figure it out" he coos wiping away your wet eyes. And pressing a kiss on each eyelid.

"Well be fine. I just had to tell you now. It's the best time. We've been waiting for this for so long" you explain.

"Y/n what is it?"he questions with a look of confusion.

"Imheretotellyouimpregnantwithourfirstborn" you rush out and sign in relief.

"Say it slower beautiful" he laughs.

"I'm pregnant..." You say in happiness.

"What... really?" He asked in disbelief. He shook his head and placed his hands on your hips. He looks down at your stomach with a look of amazement on his face. He was practically glowing.

"Yeah" you say hugging him right.

"Your pregnant. I'm going to be a dad. GUYS IM GONNA BE A DAD!" He shouts earning cheers and screams from everyone around you. He jumps up and down a few times before picking you up in a tight hug and spinning you a few times. You giggle and press your face into his neck holding on.

"I cant believe this. Its the second best day of my life" he says with a year slipping from his eye.

"What was the first?" You ask.

"Meeting you" he answers making you grin with so much live.

"Let go home" he says before dragging you and your unborn child away.

Sorry this took forever and it's not my best work. My job has just been overloading me with work

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