Josh dallas

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"So how do I look?" Josh asked holding his arms out as he slowly spun around, making sure everything was on full display. Your eyes surveyed his outfit with heart eyes before you burst out into laughter. Josh watched as you doubled over with chuckles racking throughout your body.

"I can't... oh my gosh" you giggled at the adorable male. Expect him to pull something like this with a straight face. This is the reason you had agreed to marry the male when he proposed, he was always doing something extravagant. And no matter how long you both are together you never feel drained or tired of the other. Everyday was a surprise, and you absolutely loved it.

"Hey I think I look good" he states leaning against the kitchen island where you had been previously making christmas cookies. As you smiled, Josh eyed you like he was the happiest man in the world. And to him he was, you were one of the best things that ever happened to him.

His eyes scanned your form from head to toe. He ran his eyes over your beautiful face that was puffed out and slightly red from laughter, your hair shining under the fluorescent lights. He loved looking at you, your eyes shining with happiness that never seemed to dim. His eyes falling down to you're round belly with his third child, his mind thinking about how much of an amazing mothers you were. Everything about you he loves, and the same is for you.

"Oh you something" You told him as your howling laughter died down.

"I'm just kidding baby. But what's up with the get up?" You asked him as your hand ruffled the white beard on his face. The older male was dressed in the red Santa clause suit. With a pillow stuffed in the belly part of the costume. You had never seen your husband dress up like this, and found it comical and adorable.

"I'm gonna surprise the boys when they wake up. You know how much they love Santa clause, this was the best i could do" he proudly states.

"What and rent-a-clause was closed" You sassed playfully.

"Ah you" he laughed pulling you into his arms. Giving you a tight squeeze as he hugged you, "You're always teasing me."

"It's only because I love you" You say with a fond smile among your face.

"You love me huh?", he smirks, "Give Santa a kiss."


"Vic.....Vic wake up" the six year old little boy Zander says. His tiny hands shake his nine year old brother awake.

"What Z, go to bed" Vic pouts pulling his blanket over his head.

" you have to see this. Come on" The younger states.

"Fine. I'm awake now" the older sighs moving his body from the bed to follow his little brother. he follows the little boy who is quietly tip toeing through the halls. He mentally laughs at how funny his little brother is. Though he keeps it in.

"Where are they?" The younger asked looking around the kitchen where his mom had once been. The light was now turned off and the soft Christmas music was gone.

"Where's who. Why did you wake me up" Vic asked question the distraught looking boy.

"But...but" the younger stutters. His eyes still scanning the kitchen.

"but what..." his brother asked.

"I saw mommy kissing Santa clause."


"i knew the little bug was watching us" Y/n says stifling her laughter as her and her husband watch the two boys standing in the kitchen, both children with confused looks not their tiny faces.

"Mother intuition" josh grins.

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