Tom Hiddleston

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People seem to enjoy my inagines. So I will be continuing with them. I will take request.

Tom Hiddleston

"Please welcome this amazing young actress. From our favorite show the walking dead, y/n."

Loud music can be heard as you make your entrance from behind the blue screen. A wide smile graces your face as the audiance cheers loudly for you. Your fans always hiped you up making you happy.

You smile as you walk onto the Ellen Degeneres stage. You wave at the audiance and blow kisses to them. You smile again and walk over to Ellen and give her a tight hug in greeting.

"Look at you. Your really knocked up" Ellen jokes making you and the audiance laugh as you take a seat on the plush white couch.

"I know. I feel like I've been pregnant forever" You say making the audiance laugh.

You cross your legs the best you can and lay a hand over your six month stomach. Ellen takes a seat and starts the show off.

"Well..your looking great. How much longer till your due?" She asked.

"About two and a half months left. Im due December eighteenth. Im all ready to have these babies" You claimed.

"Im sure you are. So have you and your husband came up with any baby names?" Ellen questioned.

"I am stuck on a couple names. But for some reason, Tom thinks naming the boys Puma and Blue is a good idea. I hope hes joking" You smirked shaking your head.

"I mean I like it. Why dont you like it?" Ellen teases making you shake your head more.

"All I can think. Is why do these celebrities want to tourture their kids. Some of these names are crazy. I will name my kids something normal" you explained.

"With their father being Loki. Theres only so much normal you can get" she smirked making you laugh loudly.

"Its true" You said looking ar everyone.

"Now we are going to play a game. Since you are here, we thought what a better way to find out who we really are. Then to play never have I ever" Ellen grins mischieviously.

"Oh god" you blush sitting straighter. You had been on the show one other time and she had you play this game. She loved to ask you the most weirdest or embarrassing questions possible.

"Never have I ever. Heres how it works. You and I both have a paddle. On one side it say I have. And on the other it say I never have. I will ask a question and we will both answer them. You ready?" She asked.

"Um...yeah" You hesitantly say.

"I dont know you dont look so ready. You look like your about to give birth" She jokes.

"No. Im ready" you say.

"Alrighty. sure?" She asked again for fun.

"Ellen" you laugh.

"Ok. Okay. First question, never have I ever given a lap dance to a stranger?"

You blush really bad and hold up I have. And Ellen holds up I never. She looks at you and wiggles her eyebrows making the whole room laugh.

"What did you do young lady?"Ellen mused. You laughed at that since you are in your thirties.

"Okay. Long story short it was a dare. I was at a bachelorette party with Blake Lively, and some of our other friends. And they dared me to go and give a lap dance to one of the strippers. Let's just say I can never live that day down. And my husband doesn't know about it but I think he knows now if hes watching" you blurted hiding your face behind the paddle.

"Who knew you were such a bad girl" Ellen chuckles.

" Okay. Never have I ever been in handcuffs?"

Your paddle shots up, showing I have. You look at the audiance giving them a cheeky wink.

"Wow. You and Tom like it kinky. Tell me about it?" Ellen wondered.

"Not telling that story. This show lets keep it PG" you speak out. "And are you really telling the truth. You have never been handcuffed?"

Ellen just smiled mockinly and winked at the audiance. You giggle and snap your finger. " aha."

"Never have I ever looked at my significant others text?"

"Nope. I trust Tom one hundred percent" you honestly answer holding up I never.

"Well I have. So theres that" Ellen said.

"Never have I ever drunk dialed an ex?"

You held up never and so did ellen. Ellen gives you a look. " What?" You asked smiling.

"Come on. You can tell me" Ellen suggest.

" Theres nothing to tell. Ive only had two exs and I deleted there numbers as soon as we broke up" you answered.

"Oh. So who broke up with who?" Ellen asked.

"They did. Judgy dicks" You claimed making the room go crazy.

Everyone laughs at your concfesion. "Keep it PG," Ellen yells,"So I heard from a little bird that Tom hasn't seen you for almost four months" Ellen chimes in.

"Yeah. Hes busy filiming right now. Hes tried to come home a couple times, but ive told him not to. I know how to wait" You answered. You picked up the Ellen mug and took a drink of the water.

"And if I'm correct he wont be able to see you for a few more weeks" she said.

"Yep but I'm cool with it" you replied.

"Oh well thats too bad. Because hes here now," your eyes widden and you stand up," Please welcome Tom Hiddleston." The room errupts in loud cheers that seem to last forever.

Tom smiles real big once the screen opened up. Happy tears spring to your eyes when he runs up to you. He takes you in his arms pressing a kiss to you forehead.

"Oh my gosh" You laughed hugging him as tight as you could with you large bump in the way.

"You look amazing precious" he cooed pecking your lips.

"I love you" you whispered.

"I love you to. And we can talk about that lap dance later" he teased laughing as he kept you close.

"Mrs and Mr Hiddleston everybody" Ellen said before the show ends.

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