Olive Penderghast

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"I dont know what your doing

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"I dont know what your doing. And I dont know how this started but you need to stop" y/n said to her best friend Olive. The two girls have been friends since before they could even remember. Everyone else claimed that the girls were so close that they were ment to be soulmates. Y/n has always been there for Olive, but with the way the girl had been acting lately; makes y/n feel like shes never know Olive at all.

Olive scoffs and gives me a passive look. "No y/n people are finally seeing me as a person. I cant give this opportunity up."

"They aren't seeing you for a person. They are seeing you as an easy slut. Why do you think people are suddenly going to love you because you deflower nerds.  And what opportunity? Getting paid to sleep around, well in your case faking sleeping around is not something to be proud of. You've turned into a bitch lately. And I'm not proud of this new you" y/n hissed.

"Why are you so angry about this?" She asked ignoring what you had said.

You roller your eyes angrily."Because when you get hurt in the end. And you will. I dont want to be the one to patch you together. Not after how terrible you've been to our friends. And trying to steal Rhiannons boyfriend was a low blow.."

"I didnt try to steal him. He came onto me. How could you think I would ever do that," Olive asked with tears welling in her eyes trying not to cry. The only reason she started doing this to begin with, was to get your attention. And yeah maybe the money and free stuff was a bonus. But bring branded as a slut by the person she loves what not what she wanted. Though she didnt realize that your attention was always on her.

"I saw it with my own eyes. Last night at the diner. We both saw you two. And not to mention that kiss outside" you spoke in jealousy. Though Olive wouldn't know that. You have liked the girl for the longest time. But you knew that she wasn't a lesbian and that she would never go for you. And when you saw her with your friend's boyfriend last night. Something hit you, you were so angry and upset you immediately went home. She will never understand anyways. You hadn't came out to her or anyone else.

You can't believe she would do something like this. Pretending to sleep with other guys so that they would give her stuff. Gift cards, free coupons, whatever it was. The whole situation was ridiculous. She wanted to be known around our school. Well you did not agree that she should be known around the school. Especially not as the schools whore. You know Olive you've known her your whole life. Why can't she see that she's amazing and she's great without other people needing to think so. The situation has made you really mad.

You stomped off before you said anything else you regretted.  You couldn't stand to be around the new her. This was not the woman you fell in love with. And you were not going to stick around and watch her fall.

Part 2?

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