Harry Styles

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Harry styles was being interview by Y/N

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Harry styles was being interview by Y/N. Her own TV show called Celebrity Games. While you were talking harry was to busy starring at you. He thought you were absolutely beautiful.

"Harry?" You questioned trying to get the younger male to answer the question a fan has just asked.

"Yeah?" He asked snapping out of his trance.

"Who is your celebrity crush?" A girl from the audience asked.

He grinned and snuck a glance at you. He looked back at the fans. "Um...I dont have one right now. But since we are asking this question. How about the lovely y/l/n tell us hers" he said making the crowd cheer.

"No no no, this is all about you" you told him trying to change the conversation.

"Come on" someone from the audience yelled.

"They insist" harry played.

You sighed and blushed bad. Your palms started to sweat but there was no point in trying to change the topic.

"Harry Styles" you said quickly.

The crowed awwed and cheered. And Harry eyes got wide as he pointed at himself.

"Me, really" he said smiling.

"I clearly said Harry Shrum jr. Well let's get on with this interview shall we" you said embarrassed.

What the people in the room did not catch. Was when you looked over at the curly haired boy. He gave you a sneaky wink. Causing you to almost have a heart attack.

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