Frat Boy Andy

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Imagine you had known Andy for two years

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Imagine you had known Andy for two years.

You sighed as you layed on your bed doing your homework. College had been kicking you in the ass. And of course your professors were not helping. Your hand was starting to cramp up as you kept writing. But you knew that you couldn't stop studying. Because if you did you knew you would stop and not continue at all. You hated studying it was the worst thing ever. But what is valuable. Although you'd much rather be doing anything other than that.

You didnt live on campus like everyone else in college. The you had plenty of friends who do. And you had met so many people on campus when you went to parties and other events. But the campus life was never really for you. You decided to stay home to help take care of your siblings. Which your parents much appreciated. And you didn't mind helping around here and there. You had two younger brothers and a younger sister. Your parents could definitely use all the help they could get.

"Honey do you want anything from the burger joint down the street" your dad Kurt asked walking into your room.

"Sure. Can you bring me a chicken sandwich?" You asked keeping your eyes on your work.

"You keep eating chicken your gonna turn into one" he joked before walking out of the room.

You shook your head and continued working already forgetting the conversation. You could feel your eyes start to close as you got tired. Right before you could fall asleep you heard a bang. You jumped up looking around before your eyes landed on the boy laying on the floor groaning.

"Are you okay?" You asked Andy as you helped him stand up. You grabbed his hands pulling him up and giving him a huge hug.

"Yeah. I underestimated how far of a jump that would be" he chuckled as he pointed to the tree that was about twelve feet from your open window.

"Your crazy" you laughed letting the older boy go. You grinned and walked back over to your bed taking a seat. Andy moved right next to you looking at the work scattered on your bed.

"Tough night?" He stated picking up your notes that had scribbles on them.

"Of course. When is it not" you answered.

"You know I could tutor you" he claimed. His eyes were watching your face intensely making you blush.

"Oh really?" You asked glancing up at him with your eyes.

His faces move closer to yours and he took a piece of your hair moving it behind your ear. "Yeah baby. I could teach you chemistry."

You almost laughed at the cheesy line if it wasn't for his lips meeting yours.

Andy groaned and moved forward to wrap his hands around your waist. You arms automatically went around his neck to pull him closer. You mean as his tough traces your lips before conquering your mouth. Your lips fit perfectly together. Andy loved kissing you wherever he got the chance. But you loved it more.

You moved your body around so that both legs were on either side of his body. Andy wrapped your legs around his waist. Andy's hand fell to your bare legs softly rubbing the back of your thighs making goose bumps appear. Right as things were getting heated your door opened.

"Oh snap" four year old ronny said making you jump away from Andy. Your eyes stared wide at your little brother.

"Ronny. Dont tell daddy" you calmly said slowly stepping close to the little boy who's hand held the door handle.

The small boy gave you a grin, before backing up a little making your heart skip a beat.

"Ronny no" you said pointing at the little boy. He giggled and ran off making you chase after him, leaving Andy in your room.

For a small child he sure was fast. Right as you were about to catch him at the top of the stairs. He layed on his stomach and slid all the way down the stairs.

Oh shit.

Your parents and other siblings were standing at the bottom of the stairs looking confused.

"What's going on?" Your mom Deanne asked looking at your blushing face. Though she had a inkling since she knew about your boyfriend. It was your little secret with her.

"Nothing. The little snot just snuck in my room" you lied looking away from their faces. You saw Ronny making missy faces from behind them. You glared at him making him stop.

"Oh really?" Charlotte asked smirking. You looked at her confused before seeing the glanced she was giving your mom. Your mom told her. What the freak.

"Yes really. I should got study" you said rushing back into your room. Andy sat on your bed scrolling through his phone.

"You good?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah just fine" younsaid giving him a smile back.

"So..where were we" he said before kissing you again. You smiled into the kiss grabbing onto his shirt to bring him closer.

"Who's this!" Your dad shout making you jump away again. Looking at your dad he had a bag of fast food in one hand. And a milkshake in the other wich was currently overflowing in his hand as he squishes the cup.


"No one" you rushed cutting your boyfriend off.

"So you just kiss no one. Your in so much trouble young lady. And you. Get out" you dad says trying to treating Andy with a glare. Though your dad looked like he couldn't hurt a fly.

"Dad" you sighed.

He shook his head before walking out. You looked at Andy who was standing Awkardly at the door of your room.

"I'm sorry about them" you apologized. "I understand if you want to leave and not see me again" you sadly said looking at the ground.

"Hey don't say that. I love being with you. Maybe we should all meet. On better terms" he claimed as he took a hold of your hand.

"Ok" you said biting your lip.

"Ok. Well I gotta get back to campus. But I'll be back in town soon. And I'll see you at school" he said giving you a hug.

"Ok. I'll see you then. Bye" you said letting him go. He walked over to the window making you laugh.

"Love you" he said pecking your lips and leaving before you could say anything.

When he was gone you jumped on your bed screaming in your pillow. What a day.

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