Adam Banks

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"Y/n he staring again" you best friend said as you both walked into school. You could see the boy with his friends out of the corner of your eye. He was staring and seemed to be talking in an excited way. You chuckled and shook your head.

"I told you just ignore it" you were not saying this to be rude. But the boy never talked to you. You could always hear him talking about you and saying the nicest of things. You knew he had a crush on you. But you wanted him to talk to you first. You couldn't help but notice him. He's a beautiful boy with amazing eyes. He was tall and outspoken. That's what made you wonder why he could never seem to say a word to you.

"Oh come on. The poor kids liked you for years. And y'all never even spoke. Cut him some slack. Walk up grab him and kiss him. Be spontaneous" your friend said making you laugh.

"I wouldn't say spontaneous. Come on we have class" you claimed walking off leaving your friend to roll her eyes and run after you.

Leaving a love sick boy to watch after you. Later that day you waved to him. You surprised yourself when you did that even your own heart skipped a beat.

You were home and sitting at the counter top in the kitchen. So much was on yout mind. Especially your boy issue. You've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend. You didnt know what to do. In these situations you were always awkward. You wanted to know what you could do to show him that you like him to. As weird as it was to say you did have feelings for the boy too. You always watched his from afar. You knew that the more you hide your feelings for someone. The more you fall for them. You've liked Adam ever since he had transferred here with his hockey team.

"You look like your thinking. Dont think to hard" your mom joked making a smile come to your face. Your mother and you are very close. Unlike your sad excuse of a dad.

"Theres a lot going on. It's a boy" you say quietly. You hear your mother gasping and she quickly takes a seat.

"A boy. A real living, breathing, eating boy!" She asked excitedly.

"Um...yeah" you said confused.

Seeing your face your mom laughed before talking. "Its just you've never talked about other people. As in you liking them. I've waited for this conversation for years."

"Oh. Well his name is Adam. He goes to my school. He's a few months older then me. He's in my grade, and he's a mighty duck" you spoke with a dreamy look on your face. You had started to imagine him with his shirt off.

"Ohh hockey boy. Nice. You should ask him out" she says.

"Mom" you shake your head.

"Why not? It's about time the rolls revered. It's a new generation. Come on" she challenges.

"I dont even know if he likes me" that was a lie. You knew.

"Well always try. If the worst case comes we can move to a remote island. But just try sweetheart" she smiles.

"Ok. I will" you say back.

"Good. Now that's enough parenting for the night. Let's go draw a mustache on your brother's face" she said dragging you upstairs.

A few days later you stood at your locker staring at the letter in your hand. A blush came to your face as you read the 'anonymous'love letter. Out of the corner of your eye you could see the boy watching from a distance. With his face half hidden behind his locker.

You giggled quietly to yourself reading the love note again. He was so silly.

I hate May 16th it's the only day I was alive without you.
-your future husband

You gave your full attention to the boy giving him a wink. He looked flabbergasted. Chuckling you walked off.

A week later you walked to your car seeing it covered in little notes shaking your head you walked around the school trying to find the boys.

"Hey Adam!" You called out once you spotted the blond boy. His body turned around looking at you.

"Y/n?" he asked surprised.

"Let's go out this weekend" you say feeling confident.

"W-what. Really?" He asked again freezing.

You walked up to him and grabbed his hand giving it a light squeeze. "I wouldn't lie. Let's go out. You like me I like you. So...why not" you said shrugging.

"Okay. I am not dreaming?" He asked looking stunned.

"No. But if you dream ever" you said before pressing a kiss to his cheek. Your heart was pounding. And a hug smile graced both of your faces.

That was how you got your first boyfriend.

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