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George. A person so unique, he thought he was too different from the world. But he was too strong for us. His will was too powerful and his grace ruled all.

He was my water droplet. Such a small thing in the face of people, but the power was impeccable and undeniable.

He persevered through live like water in a storm, and went out of life like water from a cloud. He's always been my water droplet.

In the world, there are flames. Things ash and people burn. Flames can hurt, flames can kill. In the moment, in the heat, flames seem so powerful. But they're weak. To abolish a flame all it takes... is water droplets. In the end, it all comes back to water droplets.

It's crazy how a little thing, a little molecule can change a world.

Everyone needs water to put out their fire. We all need some to be that water droplet. Save them from the fire.

In the process of saving me, George killed himself. Water will do anything to get rid of the flame within you.

I thank him everyday for saving me. I'm not glad he's gone, but he went out with a loving person by his side.

And he went out fighting. For him, for me, for everyone.

George, was our water droplet.

~ water droplets ~

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