Kai's apology attempt

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Kai: I'm sorry Lloyd

Lloyd: ...

Kai: I didn't mean to lose the picture of you and your dad. It honestly was an accident.

Lloyd: but now it's gone.

Kai: I know and I'm sorry. Is there any way I can make it up to you?

Lloyd: no. You've done enough. Its too late now.

Kai: please Lloyd.

Lloyd: ...

Kai: Do you hate me?

Lloyd: ...

Kai got up from his chair in the kitchen and knocked on Lloyd's bedroom door.

"Go away." Kai winced at how upset he sounded. He opened up the door to see the green ninja lying on his bed, clutching his phone and tears streaming down his face.

"I said GO AWAY!" He screamed, his eyes turning red around the rims.

"Lloyd! FSM! I said I was sorry! I didn't mean to lose the picture, it was an accident. Do you really think I would lose it on purpose?" Kai shouted. Lloyd flinched at Kai's loudness and backed away against the wall. Kai noticed this and sighed, left the room, and headed outside the monistary.

"I er... guess he's quite upset right now." Said Cole, appearing behind him. "C'mon Kai, you know Lloyd, he never stays mad for long."

"Yeah, bit this meant so much to him and now it's gone. All because of my carelessness."

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