15- some point after Garmadon and Hurumi were defeated

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Kai was angry at Lloyd, as well as himself. His younger adopted brother had fallen in love with the princess, Harumi. He was happier than he had been for a long time.

His poor, poor brother. Willing to see the best in everyone, so kind and thoughtful, only to have his heart crushed, along with his trust. She had manipulated him, used his strengths against him.

Harumi never loved him, but lead him on into thinking that so she could get closer. Kai was angry at Lloyd for ever falling for her, but he was angry at himself for not seeing the signs sooner.

Kai: u ok?

Lloyd: mhm

Kai: well- no, you're not really, but...
I have an idea. Meet me outside in 10 minutes
Lloyd: ok-

The two ninja's walked through Ninjago City. It was no longer on fire, though a couple of skyscrapers were still in desperate needs of repairs. Lloyd stayed silent, his dazzling green eyes staring blankly ahead of him. Suddenly, he spoke up, startling Kai.

"Do you ever wish you could turn back time? I mean- then I could go back and kill Harumi the first time I ever saw her. Maybe...maybe I could prevent my father from getting bitten by the great devourer. Maybe then I would-" he hadn't noticed that whilst he was talking his elemental powers had started to crackle and fizz around him.

Kai placed his hand on green ninja's shoulder.

"Believe me, I would love to go back in time. I could prevent my parents from ever disappearing, meaning my sister was never captured, I could correct every single mistake I ever made. But d'you know what, I also don't, because then I'd never become a ninja, I'd never meet any of you guys, and you would never of met us. Not forgetting, you wouldn't even exist. If your father was never bitten, he would never have been one of Chen's students, meaning Garmadon would never have been your father.

"I know that this has been a tough time for all of us, but especially you. You've been incredibly brave, and you're only, what, 13 maybe? Not many 13 year olds could do even a quarter of the stuff you can do. We are all so proud of you and you should be proud of yourself." He noticed that Lloyd was full on crying now, so kai pulled him in for a hug.

"I also have a surprise for you."

In the city

"Do I have to be blindfolded?"

"Yes, now shush. Also stop randomly walking off to your left, that's the third tree you've almost walked in to."

Kai carefully guided him, eventually stopping in front of a large building.

"Lloyd. So I have this voucher in my pocket. Its been there for a while now but I haven't had a chance to use it yet. It says get half the candy-" lloyd's head shot up, "free, if I spend over fifty quid. So, wha'd'ya say? Wanna go buy some candy?"

"Do you even have to ask?"

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