Lloyd is sick

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If was common knowledge that Lloyd was always the first ninja awake out of all them in the monastery. So when he isn't the first awake, the ninja and Wu tend to get concerned.

Kai, Cole and Nya were sitting at the table, eating their cereal with frowns upon their faces.

"Its not like Lloyd to be this late. Should we-"

"Check on him? Yeah." Finished Kai. Suddenly he felt his phone vibrate.

Lloyd: I'll be down in a minute
Don't worry

They were worried though. Out of all of them, Lloyd is the fastest typer, followed by Nya. That second message took 30 seconds for him to type.

Maybe they were just being paranoid. They sat in silence until a door opened behind them. There, in the doorway, was Lloyd. His blond hair knotted and tangled, his face pale with a pinkish nose, eyes with massive bags under them. He was still in his pyjamas, white and green striped, desperately in need of ironing.

"Mornin' guys," he said, clear that he had a blocked nose, followed by a coughing fit.

"Go back to bed Green bean, you look awful."

"Wow, fanks Cole, 'ppreciate it." Lloyd rolled his eyes.

"He's not wrong though, I'm not sure you should-"

"I'm fine Kai. I'm goin' to trainin' an' your not gonna stop me."

Lloyd sighed, grabbed some toast and went back upstairs.

"I can't believe it. I think Lloyd's sick!" Cole said, staring at the siblings.

*At training*

Lloyd seemed to have gotten worse throughout training. Kai had already knocked him to the ground, Nya had flipped him over, and even Jay had managed to beat him, much to the surprise of Cole and Kai, which annoyed Jay.

The green ninja was at the punching bag, sweat dripping from his chin, his face horribly flushed. He could sense ninjas' eyes on him. He turned around, and sighed exasperatedly.

"Look- I'b fine. Dere's nofin' wrong wif me-" he was cut off with by another coughing fit. What worried the ninja the most was the green sparks igniting around him. "I'b fine." He fell to his knees, coughing and coughing.

"Guys, I think we should take him to the med room. He looks dreadful and there's definitely something wrong with his powers."

Kai and Cole stepped forward to help him up, when a massive ball of energy surrounded Lloyd, sparks flying off of it in all directions.

"L-Lloyd? Are you okay?" Nya slowly approached him. She touched the dome of energy with her fingertips, suddenly another wave of energy forced her backwards. "Ouch. Lloyd? Can you hear me? Can you stand?"
She whispered to him, kneeling in front of him, avoiding the dome.

He was panting, his cheeks red but the rest of him whiter than snow. He looked up at her, shaking his head slightly.

"Now what?" She asked the others.

"Sensei Wu. He must know," offered Jay, running off to find him.

"Are you in any pain?" Asked Zane, scanning the ill boy in green.

He hesitated, before nodding his head. Now Cole was really concerned. Lloyd never admits to being in pain, he once managed to hide a broken leg for 24 hours, before anyone noticed, much to the guilt of everyone else

Kai was terrified. He had absolutely no idea what was going on. Lloyd's elemental powers were turning against him and he couldn't do anything about it.

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