Lloyd's birthday is when?

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Cole: Guys

Nya: Not again let me sleep

kai: Wut do u want

Jay: waht tim is it?

Zane: About 7am

Jay: ugh

Cole: I just had a thought

Kai: thats a first

Cole: When is it Lloyds birthday? Or better yet, how old even is he?

Nya: come to think of it- I dont really know how old he is

Jay: Ehrm I think its areond Spetember ish idk

Cole: ...it is september

Zane: I estimate his mental age to be around 15 but I am not 100% sure.

Cole: ...Well shoot I thought he was 13

Kai: Same-

Nya: I'm sure Misako and Wu will know

Cole: I'll go ask

Cole sat up in his bed, quickly changed and headed down to breakfast. He expected just to see Wu or maybe just Misako, but Lloyd was already up, drinking what looked like a smoothie whilst reading issue# 96 of his Starfarer comics. Lloyd looked up when he heard Cole behind him, looking deep in thought.

"Hey Cole, you have to try these smoothies, they're amazing!" He turned back around and carried on sipping his smoothie through the green and white striped straw, occasionally turning the page of the comic.

"Say, you wouldn't happen to know where master Wu is, do you?" He lent against the chair next to the one that the younger ninja was sat on.

Lloyd paused, "Er he might be looking through some scrolls."

"Hmm. Thanks"

Lloyd shrugged and turned another page.

"No problem."

Cole stood up right and walked through the door, towards Wu's study. It was filled with shelves full of scrolls and other ancient books and important looking papers. Among it all, Wu was crouched down, reading though a particularly long scroll. 

"Why hello Cole," he said before Cole had even entered the room.

"Um, master?" The elemental master of earth began.

"If you are here to find out how old or when my nephew's birthday is, I no not either. Which, to say the least, is quite embarrassing. You see, I had lost track of time considerably, so I did not actually know the date of which he was born. I know that it was around September, but I am not sure what year. And the tomorrows tea has not helped, since it aged him, though I also don't know how much by. That is why I am looking through all these scrolls. You are welcome to help"

"...Have you tried asking Lloyd? I mean, he must know."

Wu just sighed "He has been with us for several years, so I really should know, especially since he is my nephew."

"Ah, but we have also known him for years and yet we have no clue either. Its not as though he's even told us, So I'm gonna go ask him"

Cole walked back in to the kitchen, Lloyd was still sipping his smoothie, now reading issue#97. 

"Hey, Lloyd? This is rally awkward, but um...How old are you? And- and if you don't mind me asking, when is your birthday?

The green Ninja apparently wasn't offended that he didn't know, because he grinned instead. "Wouldn't you like to know? Put it this way, mentally, I'm definitely not old enough to own a car, let alone drive one, not that I have a license anyway. Though I really need to consider getting a fake Id."

 "Hem hem you're not getting a fake ID mister-"

"Well it's not as though I can get a proper one, I don't even have a birth certificate, FSM knows what happened to that, and even if I did have one, how in Ninjago would I be able to explain how I'm several years older than heat it would say?  A massive growth spurt? Anyways-"

"Yeah you really need to talk to Wu or Misako about that. Anyway, you were... what, ten-ish when you used the tomorrows tea, and that aged you up a couple of years, and since that was about three years ago, maybe longer I don't actually remember, you must be...mentally around 15 or 16?"

"Eh, sounds about right. I honestly don't have a clue. Physically, I'm about 18, maybe 19. I even asked my father before he was banished and he doesn't know either. All I know for certain is that my birthday is September 22nd."

Cole paled slightly. "That was 4 days ago- why didn't you say anything- LLOYD WHAT-"

"OK, OK, calm down. Why do you make it sound as though it's such a big deal? Its just another year I haven't died after all, that what Darkley's told us. On your birthday you were picked on worse because you were another year older and could take more damage."

He stopped when he saw that Cole had an angry expression on as though he was about to murder some people.

"Honestly, it's fine Cole. I honestly could not care less about my birthday."

Though it was safe to say the others didn't agree with this and each got him a massive present the next day.

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