code name time

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Kai: So. Who should we prank today?

Lloyd: hmm Jay?

Kai: I know the perfect prank idea. Ft me so the others don't see our messages, you know how jay and nya are secret little hackers.

Lloyd: ok

"Candy cane? Do you copy?"

"Loud and clear Hair gel"

Lloyd was sitting on top of the fridge, ready to pour slime all over Jay when he goes to sneak a snack.

"Roger that candy cane. The target is approaching the kitchen. I repeat, the target is approaching the kitchen."

"We are good to go."

"Candy cane, do you copy? Empty the bucket in 3. 2. 1-'

Jay opened the fridge door, only to get covered with fluorescent pink slime.

" LLOYD! KAI! I WILL KILL YOU!" He screamed, dripping from head to toe.

"Hair gel? The target has spotted us. Tactical retreat to the bathroom! Now! Over and out!'

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