14- set two weeks after the last chapter

109 5 2

Lloyd was lying down, reading issue 56 of his starfarer comics, scrunched up tissues like a fortress around him. He had recovered since the incident, though he still wasn't 100%. His dragon blood had calmed down considerably, and it had just turned into a common cold, much to Lloyd's dismay, though thankfulness, and the other's relief.

He reached for his phone, which was resting dangerously on the edge of the table. He unlocked it and scrolled to their group chat.

Lloyd: Nya? I need more tissues.

Nya: more? We've already used the whole of ninjago city's supply stock. I'm gonna have to travel to Jamanakai to get some more.

Lloyd: thanks Nya, you're the best :)

Kai: hey! I thought I was the best-

Lloyd: it's Nya's turn now.

Kai: this is just offensive

Lloyd: go fetch me a glass of orange juice, peasant.

Kai: I'll give u peasant.

Lloyd: there will be no harming the sick human

Cole: are u really human tho? You're like, a third human, you crazy hybrid.

Jay: shame you can't breathe fire or have wings or anything

Zane: I believe that could be possible in the future,

Lloyd: ...

Kai: ...

Nya: ...

Cole: ...

Jay: ... Wha-

Zane: kidding. Or am I?

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