5 -there's no texting in this one

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It was breakfast time and nobody had seen Lloyd for two whole days. Each ninja had tried to enter but thought it best not to in case he was to lash out at someone unintentionally.

"I fear that if Lloyd keeps this up his elemental powers will start to fade." Said Wu, facing the ground.

"Right, I'll get him out of there. I'll be back in a couple of hours maybe." Cole said, marching straight to Lloyd's room.

Cole knocked on Lloyd's bedroom door.
"Right, come on Lloyd, we're going out on a walk. Just us two. And I won't take no for an answer, even if I have to drag you out." He added, seeing Lloyd about to hesitate.

"But I-"

"No buts, come on."

"Fine." He grumbled.

When he walked past him Cole noticed that his eyes were red and puffy, and there were high bags under them. They walked together down the winding stone steps.

*time skip to Ninjago city *

"Right. Sit here, I'm gonna go and buy something real quick." Said Cole, pointing at a bench. Lloyd sat down and sighed. He'd rather go back to his room.

"Here," Cole returned, carrying two massive chocolate chip ice creams with a flake. "Take it."

Lloyd reluctantly took it, and licked it. He secretly was very happy to finally eat something, though he wasn't going to admit that.

"So, how are you?" Cole asked, Ice cream all around his mouth.

" 'm fine." He said, looking away from Cole.

"And I am the king of Ninjago. Look Green bean, all you have to do is look at you to tell that you are definitely not fine. And you know what? You have every right to be angry, or upset. But please, stop shutting yourself away, let us help you. You can't carry on like this. He sighed.

"We both know that Kai-" Lloyd growled at the name, "Didn't mean to lose it. It was an accident. He's already upset because you keep ignoring him. You have to remember, kai knows how you feel. He didn't have his parents with him until recently. My dad- I don't see him often. Jay is adopted and Zane had to learn that he wasn't even human. One day, we'll fine Garmadon and reform him, so you can be a proper family again"

Lloyd shuffled his feet.

"Also, your ice cream is melting." He failed to hide his grin when he saw the green ninja with ice cream on his nose.

"Fine. I'll go and make up with kai. Oh, and Cole? Thanks. You know you should really be a therapist in your spare time." He grinned, running off towards the monastery.

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