piercing time!!!

113 4 5

Lloyd: nya?


Lloyd: can u pierce my ear?

Nya: ...
Meet me in my room in 5 minutes.

Lloyd: ok-

Lloyd quietly tiptoed across the hallway to Nya's room, knocked on her door and waited.

She opened it.

"Ear piercing you say? Right. First thing's first. Which side?"

"Er- right I guess..."

"Okay, sit still whilst I clean your ear and mark it out."

Lloyd fidgeted. "Does- does it hurt?"

"Nah, with your ninja pain tolerance levels you should hardly feel a thing."

He flinched as the Nya cleaned his ear with the freezing cold rubbing alcohol.

"So- how are you? I mean, you did just watch her - well, you know, and your father was just sent to kryptarium, and-"

"Yes yes okay, I get it. Don't need to make a list. I'm- fine. I'll live, I'm managing." Nya could tell the slight smile on his face was forced.

"Hmm. Should I count down? Or-"

"Surprise me..."

"You know, you can talk to us, you really do need several years' worth of therapy. We're happy to listen to you." Whilst she was talking, she pierced his ear, though Lloyd didn't even notice.

"I know that, and I appreciate it. But right now I'm fine. Honest."

Nya sighed.

"Now, hurry up and pierce my ear already."

"I've already done it'

Lloyd froze, his fingers darting to the silver stud.

"Like I said, you wouldn't feel a thing."

"Well, I will when Wu finds about it, although it could be worse, he could find out about my

 tattoo." He grinned.

Nya put the cleaning stuff away, only just registering what he said.

"What tattoo?!"

"Ah well look at the time-"

"Lloyd I swear If you got a tattoo without me-"

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