Lloyd being dramatic

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Lloyd: guys?

Zane: good morning

Kai: Lloyddddddd itz too erlayyyyyyy

Lloyd: you can't spell

Jay: why has the fsm made me wake up so early? Its 5am! For ninjago's sake! ON THE WEEKEND! outrageous

Nya: I aM pOsSeSsEd

Cole: that's nice nya. I'm hungryyyy

Lloyd: guys?

Kai: suht up coLe breakfast iSnt for anothre 2 hours

Nya: I might just make it now. I'm starving ngl

Jay: 5AM! Why fsm? You could have at least waited an hour! 5 is my unlucky number! You know that!

Zane: why are you talking to yourself?

Lloyd: GUYS!

Kai: wahtttttt

Nya: yeah?

Cole: what

Jay: huh

Zane: what is it?


Kai: waht have u dnoe now?

Lloyd: Idk! I just woke up and it was bleeding! Helpppppp

Nya: I'm coming Lloyd. How deep is it?

Lloyd: I can see the bone

Nya: Lloyd- its a paper cut.

Lloyd: ...

Nya: lol

Zane: haha

Kai: u great sissy

Jay: Lmao

Cole: Idiot.

Lloyd: Bone I tell u! bone!

Nya: You can't even see it the cut is so small u need a microscope.

Lloyd: bOnE

Kai: mhm sure

Jay: is this literally the all u woke us up at friggin 5am for? A tiny paper cut? I really hate u Lloyd.

Kai: sjsinsmsksndk17279$28$+#9#!shskwndjsj

Nya: Lmao I think kai just fell asleep on his phone.

Lloyd: There's BLOOD on my PILLOW! Its DRIPPING!

Cole: Lloyd go back to sleep its too early. Some ninja you are.

Lloyd: guys? Hello?

Zane: I'll come and clean up your finger Lloyd. Goodnight

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