Chapter 66

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Loneliness and sorrow hovered over the room magnificently. In a large mattress covered in white bedsheet, there lay a woman in her twenties, looking completely serene, with her lips dried, hair tangled and body weak.

She's been kept in sedation for 12 hours now. She felt her throat dry as it begged to be hydrated. At that moment, only one thing was on her mind. Water. She needed it more than anything. She felt as if it's been ages since she drank the ellipse of life. She tried and opened her eyes which was quite a struggle and saw the table beside her to see if there's water. Her eyes were blurry as she squinted her eyes a bit and looked for water.

Much to her dismay, the jug was there but with no water, adding frustration to her burning thirst. She tried calling the nurse who was currently not in her room and unfortunately her voice came as a faint whisper, which was barely audible. She tried again to call but all her efforts were in vain. There was also another strong emotion she felt. Weakness.

Pushing her thoughts aside, she tried to sit up. So, she perched her elbow on the bed and tried to sit up first before getting down. She felt pain throughout her body. It felt like each and every muscle of her body was failing terribly. Every fibre of her body was on fire. It felt as if she had no control over it anymore. After a few minutes of continuous struggle, she manages to sit up. It was a great struggle but she won. After inhaling deeply, she slowly placed her right foot down first, followed by her left foot. She shuddered as soon as her feet came in contact with the ice cold tiles. The feeling was new to her as if she almost forgot how the tiles would feel. She felt cold after a really long time.

She took hold of her bed for support and tried walking. She took her first step after great effort and when she was about to take the next step, she terribly failed as she fell down with a loud thud. She whimpered as her body came into contact with the cold tiles. Her body screamed pain and each and every inch of her slim figure caused her immense pain. Her eyes teared up immediately and she hated herself for being weak. One thing was bugging her. What happened to her? Why is she in the hospital? She felt that everything was fine a day ago and nothing feels right now. Will she ever be able to be normal again? Or will this weakness continue to taunt her? Just before the darkness was about to swallow her, she closed her eyes and saw a glimpse of a guy whom she loved crazily. With that, she fell into darkness again.

Then, there came a guy, dressed in all black, rushing in. Seeing her down on the floor in pain, made him panic immediately. His heart broke at the sight in front of him. He cursed under his breath and immediately crouched next to her and lifted her gently and placed her on the bed, cautiously making sure that his hold was not hurting her in any way.

She was unconscious. His eyes teared up seeing the fragile figure in front of him. He took a blanket and covered her, pecking her forehead. Another strong emotion was boiling inside him. Anger. Every nerve in his body was boiling in anger as his features grew dark and dangerous indicating that something bad was going to happen soon by the very same man standing there.

He growled, ''Doctor!" which was thunderous and made the doctor rush to her room. He yelled at his face and grabbed his collar, ready to tackle him down. Then, he composed himself and let go of him with a death glare. He then took his long strides and stormed out of the room and lashed out on all the nurses for leaving her alone. All shuddered seeing him. He then went back to her room to find her peacefully sleeping. A pained smile hovered over his face.

"I'll always take care of you. Alway, just like I promised I will," he said with tears in his eyes as he saw her with so much love in his eyes.

Ryan knight

Being married is one hell of a ride but definitely not when you have someone like Kate with you. She is one of the best things that has happened to me and I literally owe her my life and everything. She is the one who helped me through my bad times, carved me to my present and graced me with her never ending love. What more could I ask for? I never knew how I became this fortunate with love. Not that I am complaining. I have everything that I'll ever need, right in my hands now. Her smile is something to die for, which is also one of the reasons I live for. She is my everything and my everything is seen unhappy and sulking right now.

"Baby, stop sulking. You said you'll meet Aurora today right? Then where's the problem?" I asked as I looked at the love of my life. She was pissed off, which was kinda hot. I feel sudden romantic feelings toward my wife. And it feels so good to call her mine. Okay, back to the topic.

"Why is she not attending my calls? I've been trying since morning to catch up with her." she whined, looking cute as a bubble. Hot out, cute in. How can someone be this cute? I'm definitely a blessed human to get her as a wife.

"Maybe she is asleep? Everyone knows that she's a sleepy head. Stop worrying baby," I tried to convince her.

"It's 11 am! Uncle Alex would not let her sleep past this time. And besides, she was a sleepyhead when she was in highschool. Now she is an early bee. What exactly is her problem?" she half yelled. She was turning red. Oh no!

I stood up and went close to her to pull her into my embrace. She relaxed immediately which made a satisfied smile dance on my face. Her small petite figure disappeared in mine.

"That's the only way to shut you up, eh?" I teased her, and she pinched me in return which actually caused me no pain.

"We'll go and have breakfast now, alright?" I asked to which she nodded. We then made our way out. It was a beacon and eggs. I love them. While we were devouring the dish, Mrs. Martha gave Kate a post. Kate was confused and asked her what it was.

"It was delivered by post just now, dear. And it had your name on it." she said with a warm smile.

"What would be this?" wondered Kate, confusion visible on her face.

"Open it up. We'll see," I said as I stopped eating. I want to know what was in there.

"Alright, then." she said as she opened the post. And to my surprise, she took out a greeting card.

"It's a greeting card," she said as she opened it. Her eyes widened after seeing what was inside which cautioned me. Is it something bad? Oh, God.

I grabbed it from her and saw what was written. I was totally baffled when I saw what was written. It had "congratulations' ' written in capital letters. What is there to congratulate her about? I looked at Kate who was on the verge of breaking down. The sight caused me immense pain in my heart. Seeing her cry is my worst nightmare. What is happening?



If I receive considerable amount of VOTES and COMMENTS, I may post tomorrow.

Chapter updated on,
31st May, 2021.

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