Chapter 42

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Aurora's POV.

Kate drove the car as I was too drowned in my thoughts. I don't know why but my heart clenches at the thought of Zayn's past. I feel so vulnerable now. Maybe he didn't actually want to break me. Maybe he was forced to. Maybe he was afraid of falling in love. Maybe he thought I'd leave him too.

Silly, I love you too. Why would I ever leave you? He didn't have to face all those. He deserves better. He deserves the world. My thoughts came to a halt when Kate stopped the car. I slowly opened the door and got out, grabbing my bag with me. Kate gave the key of the car to one of the guards to park it.

I went in and ascended the stairs. I know Kate's feeling bad and sorry. She's following me like a silhouette wherever I go. I feel so empty. I just need a soothing bath. I turned and faced a sad looking Kate looking at me intensely.

I forced out a smile as I said, " I am gonna have a bath and take rest. Okay?"

"Umm... Are you fine? I mean I don't want to leave you alone." she said, softly.

"What are you gonna do? Join shower with me?" I asked as I chuckled, trying to soothe the thin air.

She giggled and said, " If you want anything, I am just one room away. Just call out my name and I'll be next to you. You are not alone in this babe. I am there,"

" I know Kate. I love you. I really do crazy Kate." I said as I smiled at her and went to my room.

I went in and shut the door behind. I slowly made my way to the bathroom and opened the shower immediately not bothering to undress myself. The cold water ran throughout my body. My thoughts drifted back to Zayn. I clutched my hair in frustration. What is happening in my life? Is it a movie? To have this much struggle? Why can't we just love each other like a normal couple? Why does everything have to be very sophisticated? Why can't I have a normal life? A normal love?

Perhaps he needs time. Yeah. There is no need to rush things. If he really loves me, then he will come back to me. I just have to wait now.

Kate and I are walking down the hallway.
I was wearing a black tee and a black jeans. A dark blue denim jacket over the t-shirt. Today we have a stupid test which I didn't bothered to study. The previous day, I had many better things to care about. I was already so down hearing about Zayn's struggles and believe me I was never like this. I do skip tests, but rarely.

 I do skip tests, but rarely

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Aurora's Outfit.

Okay. Great, I just saw Zayn and the guys. Could this morning get any better? Nope. Never. We made eye contact for merely a few seconds before looking away.
I looked at Ryan and he passed me a warm smile which I returned. Then my eyes caught Zayn's hand which was bandaged. What the hell is wrong with his hand? How did he get hurt?

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