Chapter 29

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After their cute conversation, they somehow went back to bickering again. She called him a jerk and he called her a brat and it was a never ending saga. Ryan was genuinely happy seeing Zayn being happy after a long time. He seemed ecstatic. The smile on his face never ceased as she was with him which soothes Ryan's burning heart. He knew it was the best he gave up. He knew it had to be done.

They reached home. All went to their rooms to spend their nights. Aurora felt extremely sleepy. Just when she finished her night routine she heard a knock at the door which alarmed her. She looked at the door with wide and curious eyes.

"Who will be knocking at this hour? Should I open it?" she asked herself.

"Silly, it's your hotel and your dad arranged special guards on your floor and why would you even worry? Probably it would be one of your friends," rebuked her mind.

Oh right. 

She went and opened the door and never in her wildest dreams, she expected Zayn to be at her doorstep at this hour. 

"Don't you know where your room is, Mr. Jerk? Why are you at mine?" she sassed, cocking an eyebrow.

"I know, silly and I'm here to return your phone. You gave it to me, remember?" he asked as a matter of fact.

"Oh yeah, thanks," she said as realisation hit her. He rolled his eyes and headed towards the lift.

"Where are you going at this hour?" she asked.

"Why do you care?" He shot back.

"You know what, get lost," she said and was about to get in.

"Chill, I was messing. I'm going for a drive. Wanna join?" he asked with a soft smile on his face. A smile which said 'please don't deny.'

She thought for a minute, went in and took her coat and said, "I'm in."

He chuckled at her and said, "Let's go."

Soon, they reached the driveway. 

A driver brought a Black Lambo, all in its glory. He came out and handed over the keys to Zayn and left.

"What is happening? A new car?" she asked.

"Well, let me just say that you are not the only billionaire here. Money makes many things, darling. I bought it as I thought night drives would be better in a Lambo than a Rover. Plus I was bored driving the same car for two days straight," he said as if it was a piece of piss. It was for him. He then went and sat on his seat.

Aurora stood there simply.

"If you are waiting for me to open the door for you, then it's going to be a long night," he said as he chuckled.

"Oh,please! I'd never expect such a sweet gesture from a jerk like you! "she said as she sat in.

Zayn and Aurora sat in silence as he drove the car gently. The windows were down and Aurora was having such a happy time and so was he. The cool breeze hit her face as she was leaning on the car's door, with a smile plastered on her face. 


"I love night drives. Especially with the windows down. The way the night sky looks, the way the stars twinkle and the way the breeze blows right at my face is simply awesome and I love the feeling!" she said, initiating a conversation breaking the comfortable silence.

"That's great and as far as I've observed, you have a love for travelling too, right?" he asked, a smile hovering over his face.

"Yep, travelling is love!" she squealed and he couldn't help but chuckle.

Again, silence hovered over the place.

"Shall I switch on the radio, it's dead silent?" he asked, glancing between her and the road.

"Sure," she said, softly.

The song played was "Perfect" from One Direction.

~But if you like midnight driving with the windows down,

If you like going places we can't even pronounce,

If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about,

Baby I'm perfect,

Baby I'm perfect for you.

So let's start right now.~

They both heard it and wondered how much it matched with the topic they spoke just a while ago. It was oddly beautiful. They made eye contact for a second and looked away immediately. Aurora and Zayn were both flustered. What a damn timing!

"God! Why is this happening?" She thought as she tried calming her down.

"Thanks, Zayn. It's been a long time since I went on a drive. Had a nice time," she said, with a soft chuckle.

Zayn smiled and came closer to her. She stood rooted to her position as he reached her ear and whispered, "Believe me, the pleasure was all mine," in a deep voice which sent shivers down her spine. He then left as if nothing happened.

Aurora stood at her door for a few minutes dumbstruck and then went in.

"What the hell just happened?" she asked herself and jumped on her bed.

"Why did he do that? We've never been that close! Shoot! We've never been close at all. I felt shivers down my spine as I heard him. I felt so different. I should've pushed him and probably slapped him right? But I didn't. Why?" She thought.

"Oh honey, it was for others not for Zayn, cause you love him," said her inner self.

"Woah, woah, hold on. Love? I like him but love is beyond that," she argued.

"You'll realize it later. Now just sleep," said her lazy mind.

"This guy is driving me crazy,'' was her last thought before she drifted off to sleep.

The next day, she woke up early for the reason only God knows why. She can't sleep. She called Kate and waited for her to attend.

"Hello Kate!" said Aurora.

"Hello? My ass! I called you yesterday and Zayn attended your phone instead of you and said not to disturb you by calling hereafter as you both have many things to take care of as a couple!" she said.

"What?" Aurora asked, shocked, 

 "He's dead," she thought.

"Go ask your "what" to him?" she said.

"I gave my phone to him yesterday to take photos and forgot to collect it. He must've pranked you. I'll deal with him later." Aurora said.

"Oh really? I'm gonna kill that bastard! Because of him I didn't sleep the whole night."she said.

"Oh darling, Don't worry I'll kill him myself." she said and chuckled.

"So why are you up early?" she asked.

"Don't know. Couldn't sleep." she said.

"Oh. Go to sleep. " Kate said.

"Really?" she asked excitedly.

"You lazy brat! I just said that to see what you're telling me. Go get ready! she said.

"Fine. I'll go. Bye." she said and hung up the call.


I'll deal with him later. she thought and then went to get ready.

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