Chapter 54

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Author's POV.

Zayn was reminded of his past. He was reminded of his brother, his lost happiness. He couldn't stand there any longer, so he excused himself and went to the backyard of the mansion. Aurora followed him. She was hurt seeing him hurt. She wanted to comfort him and say that everything will be alright. So she rushed behind him as he walked faster. She couldn't cope with his pace, so she ran to him and hugged him from behind. He stood frozen, not because she hugged him but because he doesn't know how to tell her about his past as he was a bit insecure about it and he wasn't aware of the fact that Aurora knows about it already.

"I'm sorry Zayn," she said.

"It's fine. I'm okay. Why are you even sorry? Everything's fine," he said.

"I know, you are not okay," a faint whisper left her lips as she closed her eyes.

"No, Aurora I am fine. I just wanna be left alone at this moment, please?" His voice cracked at the end, killing her.

Aurora didn't want to push him further. She knows that he is uncomfortable at the moment, so deciding to respect his feelings, she left the place.

Zayn's POV.

I left the place and went to the back yard. I can't think about anything right now. My mind is clouded by Joe. I miss him terribly and want him to be close to me, holding me tight. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms around my torso.

I know it's Aurora.

Don't ask me how I know and stuff. I just know.

Her warmth soothed my body and soul but my mind drifted back to Joe. I wanna hug her and cry out my heart which I've suppressed all these years. Keeping everything to yourself isn't always easy, is it? But she doesn't even know about it. I don't want to spoil her mood too. She's happy being with her family after a real long time. So I pretended everything's fine and asked her to leave. I never want my sadness to affect her in any way. She deserves the world and her world is her family. I just don't want to spoil the happiness of my love, by talking about my sorrow to her.

She said that I was not okay and she even apologized. I wonder why she even did that. It was not her fault anyway nor Bryan's. It's just I wasn't in the right mind. How can I even blame them when it was never their fault? She is too polite to apologize for the mistake which was not hers. It took me everything to ask her to leave me alone cause I need her at that moment. I wanted to cry out and tell her about my past. But I couldn't at that moment so I politely asked her to leave which she did immediately.

I ignored Aurora and everyone the whole day. I just didn't feel like talking to anyone. I wanna be left alone. Though I am physically alone, Joe's thoughts never left me alone.
Our beautiful memories together started to haunt me now. I fucking miss him so much.
Aurora did try to talk to me but I pretended that I was fine. I just don't want anyone to worry about me. We are staying at Mr.Wilson's Mansion tonight. I have never left the room since lunch.

Mrs.Wilson took good care of me like how my mother would. She's really sweet. Just like my mum. My thoughts were interrupted by Jason's text, saying that dinner is ready and I should come down to eat. I don't wanna eat. Is there any way I could ditch it? Probably not. I slowly stood up from my bed and fixed my shirt. I also fixed my hairstyle without bothering to look at the mirror. I then slowly descended the stairs to see everyone already seated at the dining table.

I just went and smiled at them and sat down. We had dinner silently. Aurora had a worried expression on her face. She constantly made sure I was okay but still I know she's worried about me. But what can I do? I can't pretend that I'm okay anymore. Though others believe it, she doesn't. I'm sorry for hurting you Aurora. I love you too much to hurt you. But I can't help it. I should tell you about Joe. I will, but not now. I should be ready first. But surely I would.

I am in my room right now. It's past 23.30. I don't feel like sleeping at all. Suddenly I heard a knock at the door. Who would be at my room at this hour?

"So you gonna keep wondering who it is instead of actually opening the door?" asked my mind.

Alright. I'll go.

I made my way to the door and opened the door to see Aurora!

Never in my wildest dream I expected her to be at my doorstep and at this hour!

"What are you doing here?" I asked, rather amused.

"Come on. We are going somewhere," she said.

"Where?" I asked.

"So you wouldn't come with me if I don't tell you where we are going? I am not gonna push you off a cliff Mr. Jerk, so you can come with me without any fears," she said, smirking.

God, this girl!

I chuckled and said, "Fine. I'm coming."

I quickly grabbed my jacket and she led me forward and we reached out. She then took her black lambo. I was waiting outside.

"You want me to open the door for you? Hop in, jerk," she said.

I glared at her and then got in.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"Since I know you are not gonna shut your mouth, I 'll tell you. It's a place where I go whenever I feel down," she said.

"Who said I am down?" I asked, as I cleared my throat.

"Who are you kidding, Zayn" a faint laugh escaped her lips as she asked, her eyes still on the road.

I can't say anything now. Maybe I was too obvious.

"No you weren't. But I know," she whispered.

Bloody hell. Since when did I start saying my thoughts out?

Get a grip, Zayn.

I took a minute to observe her. She was wearing her favourite black fur coat. Her hair looked just as elegant as always. A few strands of her hair were lingering on her forehead. She held the steering with one hand as the other was massaging her temple. How did I not notice her driving style? She drove the cruise in ease. Well, it's Aurora we are talking about. Full of surprises. I also noticed that she looks as worried and terrible as me. I can't deny the truth that she still looks exceptional but the sorrow in her face was evident. Maybe she is worried about me?

After twenty minutes, the car halted. We got out of our seats and I took a moment to examine the place. It was a garden. The pleasant smell of the flowers are inviting us in. It's a beautiful place, indeed. The night sky and the shining stars makes it look even more breathtaking. We started walking and sat down on the cold grass. We both glanced at the beautiful stars, twinkling at us.

"Do ya like it?" she asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"I love it. It's peaceful. Seems like all my lost peace can be found here," I said, as I turned and looked at her angelic face, glowing bright. We locked our eyes for a few moments, before her lips twitched to a small smile, but great enough to make my heart flutter. We were again greeted by silence, as we just enjoyed the moment. It feels so soothing with Aurora by my side. I just never want this moment to end. I felt more relaxed and peaceful, than I've in a real long time.

"Why are we here?" I asked, as I broke the silence, still looking at the sky.

A cold hand reached and held my face, turning it to face her angelic face. Her eyes held pure concern and...... love? Yeah, love. It held lots of emotions, but love was the majority of it. Lots of hope were also seen in her eyes as I was hypnotised by a pair of brown orbs.

"Now, tell me. Tell me whatever is there on your head right now," she whispered, softly.

"Nothing, Aurora I'm fine," I said, as I looked away, trying to hide the pool welling in my eyes.

She looked at my hands in hers, cracked a small painful smile, and said, "I know, you're not fine. Tell me Zayn. I'm there for you." Making my whole world stop, as I wanted to freeze this moment forever.


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Chapter updated on,
11th December, 2020.

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