Chapter 40

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Author's Pov.

Thinking about his happy childhood days, where everything was perfect, Joe closed his eyes, forever, with a smile plastered on his face and tears rolling down his cheeks.

His parents came home to see their happiness, dead on their bed. His mother fainted after seeing Joe like that. His father broke down in tears. Zayn woke up to the scream of his mother. He rushed to see what happend.
He saw Joe, his brother and a best friend lying lifeless.

At that age he didn't understand anything, but seeing his dad crying his heart out, he understood that something was surely wrong.

"What's wrong?"he asked Jason.

"Our brother is dead Zayn," Jason said, crying.

Zayn couldn't take that. He thought that all are lying to him and his brother will never leave him like that.

He went near and called,"Joe wake up. I don't like this game. Come on wake up Joe."he said.

He waited for him to reply but he didn't.

"Joe?Wake up. You said you'd never leave me right? What happened to that promise? Dad why is he not responding?"he asked as his eyes tearing up.

Zayn got up and ran to his room.
He sat down in a corner and cried his heart out. He started heaving heavily as he cried continuously. He wished his brother to come and comfort him and say everything would be alright soon because every time Zayn was sad Joe tells him, "Everything would be alright. Your big brother is there for you. Always."

Zayn didn't leave his room at all. Though everyone called him,he didn't. Joe's loss affected him badly. He can't take the reality that he won't be able to talk to his brother anymore. He felt broken. His entire family was completely shattered. No one ever thought that he would do such a thing. It was a very big loss to his family.

A week later, they got the letter he left behind. It was in his dad's coat.

The letter said,

"It's Joe, Mum and Dad.

First I want to say sorry for what I've done. I love you all but I can't take the pain anymore. It hurts mom. It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember. I loved her too much and unfortunately, I still do.
I tried being happy for you all, but I wasn't able to. I am extremely sorry for that.

Mum, I love you more than anything. My bad, I thought every woman would be like you. I chose the wrong person and I'm standing in this place. A place from where I'd never be able to get back. I don't know where I went wrong, and why she chose him over me. I really don't know mum, but it hurts. It hurts terribly mum and I can't take it anymore. I loved every moment I spent with you.Though I argue with you at times, I was and always will be your baby. Everything you've ever done for me is uncomparable Mum. I wish I could hug you one last time and tell you how much I love you. You'll always be my first love. You are the biggest blessing in my life
I am sorry for leaving you mum. Take care. Love you Mum.

Dad, thank you so much for being there for me always. You are my best pal. You've always given me whatever I want without even asking you. You are the best dad I could ever ask for.
I love those long chats with you at night and I bet I'll miss them. I wanted to tell you what I feel, how unhappy I am and how much I wanted to cry. I needed your shoulders to cry my heart out. But I didn't say cause I don't want you to be worried over me anymore. You've done enough for me which I'll forever be grateful for. You are my first super hero. You taught me everything. You moulded me to whom I am today. Thank you so much, Dad. I love you Dad and I'll miss you.

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