Chapter 77

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Dedicated to,my dear sista!❤️ VikiMitkovska


He regretted his words almost immediately but decided to stick to his act. An act which seemed to kill him slowly. He heard the clicking sound of the door which made his heart clench. Though it was him who pushed her away, he still can't take that she left him. He knew she'd leave and he was forcing himself from turning around and asking her to stay or running behind her back. A deep sigh escaped his lips as his eyes became teary. "Aurora....." he whispered as he closed his eyes, letting a tear drop roll down his cheek.

A deep sigh escaped his lips. He was startled at first as he felt a delicate arm sneak around his toned waist. He knew it was her. He knew she won. He knew she won him and he knew it was the exact moment where he couldn't keep up the act. He knew he couldn't resist her. He knew she was his home. He thought he was punishing her but he realised he was punishing no one, but himself. His tense body relaxed as soon as she hugged him. He was giving in to her touch which he yearned for. Her touch, her presence, her love was all he needed.

"You thought I'd leave? I can not even think like that, forget leaving," she said which soothed his heart. Though he pushed her away, she still stuck with him. If it was any other girl other than her, they'd left him right away and it then dawned on him that she was indeed like no other woman, but his woman who loves him more than he loves himself. Aurora is unique and her love for Zayn was also unique.

His so-called anger was long lost as he turned around and pulled her into his arms where she rightfully belonged. He lifted her from the ground and hugged her as tight as possible as if he was scared that she might disappear in the thin air. After sometime he put her down and looked at her teary face. He wiped off her tears as new tears formed in his eyes as he realised he hurted her. It hurted her to see him like this. In tears; vulnerable, exhausted. She tiptoed as she captured his lips with hers. As soon as her lips found his, all his pain and fear disappeared as he immediately responded. He lifted her by her waist and kissed her passionately, while her fingers were tangled in his soft hair. They pulled off as he put her down gently and both were panting hard.

He slowly made her look at him and asked, "Are you mad at me?"

She looked at him. "You ignored me," she said faintly, looking down. He pulled her close and made her sit on his lap and held her by her waist with one hand and with the other, he pushed back the hair behind her ear and cupped her angelic face.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm really sorry. I mean, all these things just drive me round the bend. You know....It's hard...Really hard...Thinking that my love is in danger, just scares the shit out of me. I love you too much to see you hurt. I just want to keep you safe and you don't seem to understand and I was mad cause you put our future at stake. I'm sorry for scolding you, I'm sorry for ignoring you but I can't help it and you have no idea how much it killed me doing it. I'm sorry, baby. I really am," he said feeling really sorry.

She looked at his eyes. His eyes reflected how honest he was. It held many emotions and every single emotion was drawing her close to him. His eyes reflected how hurt and exhausted he was. She took his calloused hands in her soft hands as she said, "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have gone out though you warned me not to. Everything's my fault. Had I listened to you, this wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry, Zayn. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble. I'm sorry for making you feel terrible and exhausted. I'm really sorry, baby."

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