Chapter 82

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Chapter dedicated to VikiMitkovska 💞💞💞💞and awemazingbear 💞💞💞💞

Zayn Evans

I wonder why this is happening in our lives! The incidents that occur just in our daily life are far from reality. A new day; a new problem is what we are living in. I'm tired. I'm tired of facing this rubbish all my life. Can't I lead a normal life without this much stress? The answer is no. I can never. We can never. Perhaps happiness is too much of a luxury for us. Perhaps.

I was already having a mental breakdown thinking of Aurora but now what? My nephew is missing. These suffocating thoughts are longing to kill me. One thing perhaps made me ready for this trial cause I knew it. I somehow saw it coming. I knew that our destiny was aiming at us with an undodgeable arrow. I knew we had to somehow survive it. I knew it. I honestly don't know what I am going to do but I've got to do something. I can't sit around a corner and mourn. I need to get everything in place before it runs out of hands. The numbness I felt moments ago started to vanish as the adrenaline started to rush in my system. I need to handle this situation.

Ryan and Harry were here with us as soon as they heard the news. They had been doing everything in their power to search him. Uncle Alex and aunt are out for a wedding in Paris. It was uncle's closest pal's daughter's wedding and he couldn't deny it but thank God they went or else they would also have to deal with all this trouble. They are old enough to be left at peace. I need to figure this out before they are back. Kate and Hannah are with Aurora. Hope she is good but I also know that she'd be bawling  her eyes out for Ash. I need to talk to her later. Ariana is crying and Jason is broke and what else could go worse? My heart clenches painfully when I think about Ash. He is a baby and how hard this situation would affect him? How much pain he must be enduring at such a young age. God should give him enough courage to stay strong till we find him.

The whole house seems gloomy and all I hear is cries. The house which was filled with love is now filled with agony. The perfect walls which held our good memories are screaming in great pain now. The emptiness I feel is beyond understanding. The sight I witness is actually haunting. Looking at my family broke is my worst nightmare. Andrea doesn't even know what's happening around her but she keeps asking about her brother. I felt tears running to my eyes and I couldn't stop them. I let them flow because they had to be left out. I can't see Jason like that. He's shaken, completely broken.

"Zayn," a voice called, making me come out of my trance as I blinked off the tears. I turned to see Ryan as broke as I am. He pulled me into his embrace patting my back.

"We will surely find out where Ash is. C'mon Zayn, don't worry," he said and took me to my room.

I saw Harry and Bryan already there. I walked slowly to my bed and sank down not uttering a word. Then Jason came to the room. As soon as my eyes set on him, I felt my eyes welled up again. He doesn't deserve this. We don't deserve this.

"I must be strong. At least for him." I kept reminding myself.

"I have filed a police complaint. They are searching for Ash and I've sent my guards to search him as well," said Bryan.

"What if this kidnap is related to Aurora's threat?" I found myself asking. It left my mouth before I could even think of saying it. Perhaps I was right.

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