Chapter 34

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Aurora was completely swallowed by her own thoughts. Zayn's words were very harsh to her as she tried hard to forget it all but she couldn't. His words hit her like a ton of rocks and it was difficult for her to forget it. As much as she hates to admit, it hurted her very much. The pain was raw and taunting. She still tried hard to overcome it. Kate was worried too and Aurora doesn't want Kate to worry about her. At least for Kate, she should act happy, she thought. Since she was tired, Aurora decided to stay at home and rest that day. So Kate also skipped school that day.

Zayn and the lads went to school as usual and Zira acted like she was so happy seeing Zayn and pulled her love struck tantrums. Zayn just ignored it all cause he was already occupied in his thoughts and had better shits to worry about. Zira was taken back by his odd behavior but managed. The rest of the day, Zayn was too silent and didn't talk to anyone. It was very hard for him to forget what happened. The harsh words he spat at her were actually aimed at him and were killing him. He loves Aurora but couldn't bring himself to tell her.

He was frustrated as it was getting too much into his brain. Loving someone madly and not being able to tell them was a whole new level of pain which Zayn wasn't aware of and couldn't handle. After all, he put this burden on his shoulders all by himself.

Zayn went home after school and was still upset. He couldn't get over it like how he thought he would. He thought forgetting her would be easy but it was the most difficult task he had all his life. Ryan called him continuously which he purposely ignored. He tried to exclude him from everything and stay alone. After a few minutes, Ryan stood at his doorstep. The door was made of glass and Zayn saw him through it. Though Zayn was surprised he didn't show it. Though he was being adamant that he doesn't want anyone, he secretly wished for someone to be with him. Ryan came in with an unreadable expression on his face and Zayn mirrored him.

"Why are you being like this?" he asked.

"Being like what?" Zayn asked, nonchalantly looking through his phone.

"Like a living dead. I know something's wrong. Tell me, Zayn," asked Ryan.

"No, there's nothing like that and nothing is wrong," he said, looking dead in his eyes.

"Oh, come on. Who are you kidding, eh? We both know that you are lying," said Ryan as he raised his voice a bit. 

"What do you want me to tell you? That I broke Aurora's heart? That she's hurt because of me?

That I can never make her happy? She deserves better and I would never be good enough for her so it's better if we stay like this," he yelled back, his eyes brimming with tears. 

"What did you tell her?" asked Ryan, a bit gentle this time.

"Nothing's going to change. It's alright. Just leave it, don't talk about it again. I'm confused by my own feelings, I need time," he said as he stormed to his room.

Ryan Knight.

I have no idea what he said and did to her but one thing is for sure. He loves Aurora insanely but he screwed it up big this time. This issue, if not resolved, would get too big which is not good for either of them. Letting it rest won't help either. He needs to open up. He needs to tell his mind and heart to her but he's refraining himself for what? He's insane and is driving us insane too. Jerk. If I ask him to tell Aurora that he loves her, he won't and would pull out stunts saying he doesn't love her. Perhaps I should try talking to Aurora cause someone has to. 

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